Raspberry pi Octoprint and duetwifi
Well the Duet comes with a very nice web interface built-in which I find I like much better than OctoPrint.
But if you are already using OctoPrint for other printers I would imagine you would add a printer using a Duet that same way you would any other printer.
I have removed the password and am soon looking to throw octoprint for a completly wireless approach i.e. slicer, gcode then print
I was used to using octoprint, before I got Duetwifi. Octoprint is a great idea, and still has some features which might be nice to incorporate into Duet Web Control but I quickly realised its redundant with Duet and DWC which does almost everything octoprint does, and does it more reliably.
The features which might be nice to emulate are the
-gcode preview as the model is printed, 2D like octoprint works but full 3D like pronterface would be even better
-better file management, even the ability to order the list of files so I can find the one I want. I've taken to slicing them with a numerical prefix, so I can scroll down to file 4xxxxxx.gcode
-maybe even a built in file explorer, there are many examples of embedded file explorers which could be used.Otherwise its very good an has many features which surpass octoprint.
Chrishamm is already working on providing the ability to change the file sort order.
Fantastic thank you.
I really like telegram bot plugin in octoprint. It's a pity there is no something similar in webcontrol.
I read on face someone makes the developement of telegram bot for duet
How would i settup the duetwif with octoprint on the pi kind regards,Naz,
Octoprint/OctoPI will probably 'just work' with a duet once you have the USB cable connected. You'll need to follow the printer setup wizzard; and set the 'Ignore any unhandled errors from the firmware' option on the connection menu [this seemed to be necessary for me but I have not revisited it to see if I was seeing real errors or not].Also the Duet (being Duo based with native USB features) comes up on a different USB port to the standard; it will be on /dev/ttyACM0 etc, rather then /dev/ttyUSB0.
Beyond that; treat as any other Octoprint rig, there are so many resources out there for installing, connecting and configuring that I wont duplicate that.
Speaking of duplication.. TL;DR.. The native Duet web interface is very good, compared to Octoprint it provides a lot more info about the printer itself, real-time axes positions, direct access to the machines configuration files, upgrade wizards, heightmap display etc. I use the webcontrol all the time when I'm (re)configuring my system at home.
But I do not use it to print; I print via Octoprint and streaming the gcodes over USB the old-fashioned way; Octoprint is a great interface for organizing/printing from, file management is good, webcam/timelapse integration seamless, The gcode viewer is handy, the plugin system is a bit patchy but contains some good stuff like the heater timeout plugin.
Most importantly it is built on a strong base (a four-core machine with reasonable memory and storage and a well featured Linux OS) which gives it a much stronger platform for running web services; sessions stay connected, it retries properly and recovers from network outages with ease, running behind a web server as a proxy, an delegating autnentication to that is also easy. I feel happy exposing octoprint to the Internet and sharing that obscure link with my parents and peers. The native web interface is neither reliable enough in it's connectivity, or secure enough in it's operation to allow this.
And since I was already been using Octoprint on a 8bit cartesian printer it seemed natural to do the same with the Duet; I've never had a failure caused by Octoprint, (that time I rebooted it mid-print.. my fault, nobody else) and always been able to connect and see what is happening, even from trains over mobile data and other circumstances where Duet Web control wouldn't stand a chance of remaining usable. Also I'm a geek, I /enjoyed/ setting up a dual webcam/octorpint server on a single Pi.
For reference: Here are my custom controls I use with the Duet in Octoprint:
[[yml]] controls: - children: - command: M114 name: Get Position regex: X:([0-9.]+) Y:([0-9.]+) Z:([0-9.]+) E0:([0-9.]+) template: 'Position: X={0}, Y={1}, Z={2}, E0={3}' type: feedback_command layout: horizontal name: Reporting type: section - children: - command: G32 name: Delta Calibrate type: command - command: G29 S1 name: Load Mesh Compensation type: command - command: G32 S2 name: Mesh Compensation off type: command - command: G29 name: Generate Mesh type: command layout: horizontal name: Delta type: section - children: - command: M552 S0 name: Disable WiFi type: command - command: M552 S1 name: Enable WiFi type: command layout: horizontal name: Duet type: section
And.. all of the above will be superseded for me soon because I'm working on a way to drive both the Duet and my cartesian via scripting and a CI software system (still using the PI, but not as a Octoprint server anymore)
Speaking of duplication.. TL;DR.. The native Duet web interface is very good, compared to Octoprint it provides a lot more info about the printer itself, real-time axes positions, direct access to the machines configuration files, upgrade wizards, heightmap display etc. I use the webcontrol all the time when I'm (re)configuring my system at home.
But I do not use it to print; I print via Octoprint and streaming the gcodes over USB the old-fashioned way; Octoprint is a great interface for organizing/printing from, file management is good, webcam/timelapse integration seamless, The gcode viewer is handy, the plugin system is a bit patchy but contains some good stuff like the heater timeout plugin.
Fascinating idea. I hadn't considered feeding the DuetWifi via USB and continuing to use OctoPrint as I do on my MK2.
Architecturally, I'm conflicted. I love OctoPrint, and the plug-in environment. I wish I had all those features in DWC, or something similar. But – I also appreciate that Duet prints from the on-board SD card. I guess the ideal situation would be for OctoPrint to communicate with Duet via WiFi, and treat it similarly to the way OctoPrint treats printing from the printer's own SD card -- just communicating via WiFi instead of over USB.The other approach is to load up the Duet and DWC or similar will more software features similar to OctoPrint, but as you pointed out, I think the hardware is more limited, and it doesn't make sense to take resources away from the main focus -- printing.
Architecturally, I'm conflicted. I love OctoPrint, and the plug-in environment. I wish I had all those features in DWC, or something similar. But – I also appreciate that Duet prints from the on-board SD card. I guess the ideal situation would be for OctoPrint to communicate with Duet via WiFi, and treat it similarly to the way OctoPrint treats printing from the printer's own SD card -- just communicating via WiFi instead of over USB.
Totally agree with that conflict
Several printers have dedicated plugins for Octoprint; someone raised the idea of one for the Duet [[url]https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/issues/1628] but the project lead would rather work on a more generic comms layer to support all the wifi/bluetooth/usb/other printers out there rather than a Duet specific module; I understand the logic even if it's something I'd personally like.I think the hardware is more limited,
AFIK the web server runs on the wifi module itself, there is a surprisingly competent SOC in there, but it is still limited. My personal (and it is only that, Duet3d probably have business priorities that conflict etc..) opinion is that it needs multiple persistent IP connections/session capabilities asap to mitigate connectivity issues; and TLS (or some other, even if it is limited) encryption even within local area nets if at all possible; Beyond that, a lot of features, even advanced ones like timelapse capture and slicing support, could be done on the client side via HTML5 with the duet working as a data source, rather than a processor.
The WiFi connection on my DuetWiFi is very disappointing for me. During printing I'm not able to get a connection to the Duet. "The server dropped it's connection" is the error I get.
I think I am going to hook the Duet to a Pi and use RepetierServer/OctoPi for the wireless printing. -
Have you read the wiki page on troubleshooting wifi issues?
That Telegram bot looks amazing, I hope the guy ends up releasing it.