PrusaSlicer could use a more RRF-specific G-Code implementation
What would you personally want PrusaSlicer to do differently in regards to generating G-Code output? 'G10 temperatures' is the one that stands out, and is an active
issuepull request on the PS GitHub repo.I will be starting down the path of tailoring the output of PrusaSlicer to RRF. I might create a new additional flavour called "RepRapFirmware," so that users of the current "reprap/sprinter" flavour aren't bothered.
I will eventually try to adapt print time estimates to use a model of the RRF motion planning.
Anything else?
@bot have you looked at super slicer (A fork of PR slicer) I have heard good things about it might be worth checking that out
Yes, SuperSlicer is great! It has support for Klipper firmware, and it might make a few small changes to the reprap implementation, but it's not quite "enough."
RRF users really ought to be able to rely on the G-Code the slicer produces being not only compatible, but taking full advantage of the features of RRF.
@bot agreed but I only use Kiss now tbh
I wish they had control for acceleration and jerk for different moves. Currently the extra settings are limited to marlin flavour.
You can already use M204 to set different acceleration for printing and travel moves.
I think that's only in the "marlin" flavour of gcode, which isn't exactly targeted to RRF but also isn't entirely unsuitable for it.
The person who made the original PR on github has made the first strides in achieving the "RepRapFirmware" specific flavour of G-Code in PrusaSlicer.
This is a great start! I may not end up having to tinnker with any of it myself. I love open source.
@bot Good thing this is being looked in to on the PrusaSlicer fork for sure! I had planed sugesting this for SuperSlicer after PS 2.3 have been released an merged with SS, now it looks like that might solve itself
I had planed sugesting this for SuperSlicer after PS 2.3 have been released an merged with SS, now it looks like that might solve itself
it's merged into my latest release of superslicer.
Be careful with "after PS 2.3", because prusa seems to be on a 6-month release cycle, and they may plan it for christmas.I don't have a duet printer, so i won't notice problem / possible improvement for them, it's entirely up to duet users to report these. Don't count on me randomly noticing things like this one.