BOSSA now supports Duet WiFi and Duet Ethernet
I am pleased to announce that Scott at Shumatech has released BOSSA 1.8. This version supports the SAM4E processor used on the Duet WiFi and Duet Ethernet. So there is no longer any need to use SAM-BA if you erase the firmware.
The new release can be downloaded from There are installer packages for 32- and 64-bit Windows and for OSX, along with source code (I guess Linux users will need to compile it from source). Both command line (bossac) and interactive (bossa) versions are provided.
Although we provided Scott with a Duet WiFi so that he had a board he could test on, he refused our offer of a modest financial contribution towards his costs. A big thank-you to Scott!
Good for me !!! OSX
Thanks Mr . Scoot
What was the issue with SAM-BA? Not open source? No linux version? I've always found it easy, quick and very capable for both Duetwifi and paneldue firmware uploads.
What was the issue with SAM-BA? Not open source? No linux version? I've always found it easy, quick and very capable for both Duetwifi and paneldue firmware uploads.
Is not version for OSX …. only for Windows and Linux
I tried compiling The 1.8 BOSSA on Linux. The BOSSA and BOSSAC programs compiled but BOSSASSH fails with a fatal error because readline.h is missing.
The GUI BOSSA connected to my DuetWiFI and the Info button worked, but when I tried to write the firmware I get a warning that the flash regions are locked. When I click on Yes to unlock the regions it takes a while and then comes back with a fatal error saying the flash could not be unlocked. Because of this I cannot update my firmware and get the board working again.
Doesn't seem to be working with SAM-BA CDC 2.1.6 utility either. This utility connects but then seems to lock up during the write phase.
This board updated the normal way and was running the web server just fine but then just stopped working after thr last power up.