Trying to set up a custon CNC with duet2 wifi.
@chichirod start with the rather brief
I think you’ll need to use an external driver on the 4.2A motor if you want performance out of it. The other two should be okay, but see
You will need an external driver for your 4.2 amp stepper. If your Z is lead or ball screw driven consider that there is a lot of force multiplication with that arrangement. Using a 10mm lead, ball screw and 60oz/in nema 17 I get around 50lbs of force. About double that for a 5mm lead so one of the 2.8 amp, 23's may be more than adequate.
I used the firmware for the Workbee CNC and tweaked the settings for my mill. It includes touch probe and work offset macros
You didn't mention endstops and you may need a signal converter and some configuring for the VFD. What input does it require? -
Have you already purchased the duet 2? -
Duet 3 can drive that high torque Nema 23 motor directly. It also has a 5V PWM output suitable for direct connection to a PWM-to-VFD converter.
As has already been said, Duet WiFi/Ethernet can drive the 2.8A motors directly, but not the 4.2A one, so you would need to use an external driver for that one.
@dc42 if I read this correctly then the duet3 should be able to handle everything but with the duet 2 I would need external drivers.
@jay_s_uk no not yet.
@3DPMicro ok thank you. I’ve already purchased the motors so I would rather not buy others as far as the input for the vfd I’ll have to get back to you on that one. Thank you for your help.
@droftarts ok thank you. I’ll read those articles.
@chichirod I would go for the duet 3 if it's within your budget
@jay_s_uk yes I think that’s the way I’m definitely leaning