Odd behavior on Z driver using both Za and Zb
@Red-Sand-Robot - thank you. I am out of town all week and will try reversing the wires next Saturday. I will also post a picture when back in town. I appreciate your help.
This post is deleted! -
@Danal thank you. I've used a multi-meter to verify the coil pairs. All of my motors are Nema 17. I'm pretty sure of the wiring because I tested each set of wires on the X axis.
@Red-Sand-Robot I've attached the image you requested. Its a Nima 17 motor. I'm going to try reversing the motor today as well.
JW note: since deleted this picture as I think it was too large and consumed the limit for the thread or something. Anyway, picture didn't show much of interest. A nema 17 motor with 4-wire cable.
I haven't had much success. I visually inspected my Duet3d and noticed that a couple of the pins on one of the motor headers are not soldered and push through when the connector gets plugged in. Sigh. If I were skilled with a soldering iron I'm sure it would be fixable but I'm a software guy. Does anyone know how to get warranty support from Duet?
@jrwaters2 said in Odd behavior on Z driver using both Za and Zb:
Does anyone know how to get warranty support from Duet?
Where and when was it purchased?
@Phaedrux September 6th from Matter Hackers.
Might be a good idea to contact them as well.
@Phaedrux thank you. I’ll do that.
Jack -
@jrwaters2 said in Odd behavior on Z driver using both Za and Zb:
I haven't had much success. I visually inspected my Duet3d and noticed that a couple of the pins on one of the motor headers are not soldered and push through when the connector gets plugged in. Sigh. If I were skilled with a soldering iron I'm sure it would be fixable but I'm a software guy. Does anyone know how to get warranty support from Duet?
Can you post a photo showing the unsoldered connections? Also please let us know the serial number printed on the label on top of the microcontroller, so that we can determine which of our assembly companies made that Duet.
Hi @dc42
I have attached the image. The pins are in the lower side and they are protruding. My serial number is W01255. The label says "DUET2 MAIN W01255". Thank you for the help.

@dc42 odd - The image preview doesn't show. I get "ERROR - something went wrong while parsing server response.". If you provide an e-mail address I can mail it as well.
@jrwaters2 said in Odd behavior on Z driver using both Za and Zb:
@dc42 odd - The image preview doesn't show. I get "ERROR - something went wrong while parsing server response.". If you provide an e-mail address I can mail it as well.
My guess it that it's too large to be accepted as an upload. Can you host it on Dropbox or Google drive and link to it? Or email it to info at duet3d dot com.
Thanks @dc42. Tried lots of sizes that are all much smaller than the picture I uploaded a few days ago. I did just mail two images to the address you stated with a subject line of "Pictures for forum topic 12945 (https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/12945)".
Thanks for the pictures, we'll take this up with our assemblers. If you have not already done so, please contact MatterHackers for a replacement. If they ask for authorisation, refer them to this post.
Thanks all for the help here. Great community and great support from Duet.
PS - any chance you can send us a better photo of the badly-soldered pins first? When taking close ups with a smartphone, I find it best to pull the camera away from the board until the focus is sharp, then use the digital zoom.
@dc42 Sure - I just sent one. Let me know. The pins move and I carefully disconnected my cable . . . but you can see that one is particularly protruding though 2 of them move pretty freely.
Got my replacement board and was able to successfully home all axes that day. Today I got my first print. Thank you again!