Network connection problems
It happens intermittently for me. Most days, it works fine, but some days, it's horribly bad. I will grab the RSSI next time it happens.
It happens intermittently for me. Most days, it works fine, but some days, it's horribly bad. I will grab the RSSI next time it happens.
My best guess is that something else is generating interference on those bad days, e.g. leaky microwave oven or cordless telephone handset. Changing your router channel may help. It's also possible that your router and your neighbour's router are fighting over who gets which channel, if both of them auto switch between channels.
If I run the printer in the garage often the Microwave in the kitchen will knock out the printer and sometimes put it in a state where it's as if I never setup the WiFi at all, as in it turns into an access point with the DuetWiFi SSID being broadcast. This is a big security hole as now my neighbors could in theory connect.
Lol guys WPA is so secure!
PS No, I never drop a grudge.