I see theres confusion about the examples, as i mentioned this just examples (picked from the duet doku)
I can now share acutal accelerometer records.
Printer Type: CoreXY
Record no shaping:
Based on what i learned here MZV should suits best in relation to curves
No Shape with MZV curve:
Shaped with MZV
it looks for me pretty well shaped, except a bit the area arround 58Hz-78Hz
So my question that is now remain after i understand most of the whole thing (i guess so, if not correct me in my statements)
Is there any tweaking point on this?
After experimenting a bit i tried modified ZVDDD, if im right this one is lacking because it have a longer frequenzy and give me
almost the same result as MZV?
excuse me again for not beeing clearly enough that i used examples
Edit: Is the MZV Shaper is automatically right on 40Hz, because its the highest peak and the first curve of the shaper, shapes this peak best?