Hey Guys,
Im lacking of a calibration guide for input shaping, the thing itself is explained but not how to
configure. The three main topics are:
- How to choose the right shaper?
- How to use collected data for analysing?
- How to apply the collected data knowledge for a good result?
Just for info im on RRF 3.4 and later on a Duet3 6HC, SBC setup
Speed settings: (Im not sure about the settings may edit and update my thread when i have acces to my settings)
M566 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z60.00 E120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X20000.00 Y20000.00 Z180.00 E1200.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X10000.00 Y10000.00 Z20.00 E250.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2)
So i did 2 Test runs like mentioned:
G1 X-50 G4 S2 M956 P0 S1000 A0 G4 P10 G1 X50 F20000
G1 X-50 G4 S2 G1 X50 F20000 M400 M956 P0 S1000 A0
should i modify this commands to get more accurate results to my machine? but ok go ahead
analyse the stuff: (sadly i have no own examples atm, maybe i edit and add it later)

- what should i do with this data? i mean it has no acutally effect on shaping its a sample what should u do to tune your shaping. How?
Tried to adapt from Klipper documentation but the measure method from there is a totally different,
commands are also different.
So i sliced a file with a
M593 P"zvd" F40.5 ; use ZVD input shaping to cancel ringing at 40.5Hz
Ok i get it P"" is the shaper used and F the frequency, theres now the point what do i put in there
in relation of my before collected data?
We have this nice Table
Input Shaper Shaper Duration Vibration reduction with default damping factor (0.1)
ZVD 1 / Frequency ± 15% Frequency
ZVDD 1.5 / Frequency
ZVDDD 2 / Frequency
MZV 1 / Frequency ± 4% Frequency
EI2 1.5 / Frequency ± 35% Frequency
EI3 3 / Frequency ± -45%...+50% Frequency
Does it mean if i just define the shaper the F will be the dampening factor? for e.g.
M593 P"zvd" F40.5
Dampening starts at frequency 40.5 +15% = 46,575?
At a frequency of =>40.5 it will be reduced 15% = 39,425?
How i set another dampening factor on command?
Why do not use just an strong input shaper as EI3
I mean the documentation as it is quite good except a bit missing on examples for a full command
at this, but without advanced knowledge the documentation dont give any hints to tune this thing
I Hope to find some help and advise here.