Console/Messages not working
@phaedrux That's true
@phaedrux said in Console/Messages not working:
@stephen6309 said in Console/Messages not working:
@phaedrux You have to press ERASE to wipe the firmware. RESET should just reset.
@NitroFreak You're on the Console screen, pick one of the other selections.
You're assuming he's stopped at pressing just the reset button.
Yes you are right i most definitely pressed both buttons at the front.
The paneldue is connected via the 4 wire cable.@Stephen6309
What do you mean pick one of the other selections?
I went in the console/Messages tab to check M122 which yielded no results. I have done the M122 before and it usually gives it out in the messages tab.What can i do that the board reads the SD card again and loads all my configurations?
In the current state it is like the board is brand new, no endstops home and no motors move.
When i press the Y endstop, both the X and Z endstop lights flash up but not the Y. It also shortly flashes up the Diagnosis LED and the servo jerks a little.
It does not connect to Wifi and connecting to the YAT tool yields no result/answer. -
Alright the Paneldue works again. Thanks a lot! @Phaedrux
What should i do with the board? What can i do to reflash the board when i cant connect to YAT? -
So you have the panel due reflashed and it powers up again but it still won't connect to your duet?
And you can't reach the duet through the web interface or over usb?
What lights are lit on the duet?
Yes i reflashed the Paneldue and it does connect to the duet. It is just that when i type some command in the Console/Messages tab and send it, it does not register it and it also does not give me any answer. -
Try replacing the 4 write cable.
And check the baud rate in the panel due setup screen.
@nitrofreak said in Console/Messages not working:
Yes i reflashed the Paneldue and it does connect to the duet. It is just that when i type some command in the Console/Messages tab and send it, it does not register it and it also does not give me any answer.What commands are you sending? Many commands (e.g. G1 commands) don't give rise to any response. So try a command that does, such as M115. Note, if the response is partially obscured by the on-screen keypad, you will need to dismiss the keypad to see the full response.
I´ve tried connecting it via the ribbon cable and it works the same way as the 4 wire. i can navegate the menus fine, but i cant get a response from the message tab. Its not like I´m new to it, i´ve used it plenty in the past. I´ve tried M112, M115, M997 S0 to reinstall the firmware and then again M115 to see what it did. No response.
Baud rate is 57600. -
When i plug the duet into the computer, it does not do a "ding" that it recognized something and it also does not show up on the COM port list.
What else can i do to establish contact? -
I fear that the reason your PanelDue is not getting any information from the Duet is because there is something wrong with the Duet. This would explain why you can't also reach it via the web interface. And the fact it doesn't show up as a USB device is also concerning.
What LEDs are lit when the Duet is powered?
Are there any scorch marks anywhere on the board?You can try going through these fall back procedures 1 2 and 3: -
Okay so the duet works again and I´ve concluded that I´m pretty stupid.
Just to be sure, i checked the "How to destroy your Duet" section, and the "Short the endstop supply voltage pin to ground" part caught my eye.
When i moved the printer, i noticed that one of the endstops (Y) became unplugged, and i plugged them back in without thinking too much. What do ya think, i connected it in a way that connects the 3.3v to gnd.
Connected it the right way and its perfect again, even DWC connects.
Did the duet go in some kind of self protection hibernation? -
Glad you figured it out.