Simulated Print Time in G-Code Files
The simulated time is shown by recent versions of PanelDue firmware too.
In the case of a gcode file that has NOT been simulated, could the firmware append the actual print time instead (once the file is done printing, of course.) There are many files I've printed (but not simulated.)
Any chance of supporting the M73 command that Slic3r PE can insert into the GCode file? At 1 minute intervals in the GCode it inserts something like "M73 P25 R35" P being the percentage done, and R being the minutes remaining.
If it is enabled, the very first command in the GCode is a M73 with the full remaining time of the file.
@stevenwm Aren't those values only valid when you're using a Prusa printer and their firmware, since Slicer uses the marlin motion planner for it's time estimate and it knows the acceleration and jerk values?
@phaedrux I don't think so... I use Slic3r PE with my Rockstock Max.. The time estimates inserted by M73 are the same ones as shown in Slic3r itself. The time estimate as given by Slic3r is always spot on for me within 5 seconds and always has been.
@stevenwm Interesting. Are you using Marlin, or RepRap Gcode flavour in Slic3r?
For me the Slic3r estimate is about 30 minutes faster than actual print time.
I'm not certain, but since the recent update my slicing/printing times are way out of whack, For instance I'm printing something that had a 50hr estimate, it's now hour 54 and I have another 30% to go!
How long does it take for the machine to "simulate" a print?
@wyvern said in Simulated Print Time in G-Code Files:
How long does it take for the machine to "simulate" a print?
That heavily depends on the complexity of the part. Usually up to a few minutes.
Almost done, Cura said 2 days 4 hours, 890gr filiment, I had to swap the roll with 50gr left, probably at 1200gr!
It was almost spot on before the update, not sure what changed- doesn't really matter though, it ends when it ends.
@wyvern According to your screenshot it did get the required length of filament about right. You need to check the density setting for the filament selected in Cura if this matches your used filament. Otherwise weight calculations are off - like in this case.
Regarding time estimates. Get the Printer Settings plugin and check/adjust the accel and max speed settings. Doing so brought the estimates very close for me.