Creality CR-10 upgrade
There is none. Its uniform. It has y carriage on 4 rail blocks. Bed is 8mm thick on 10mm standoffs from y carriage. Those induction probes are less sensitive to aluminium and my z offset is at ~0.2mm.
I know it should be far better than this.
I have enders with those uneven chinese heated beds running pinda's and they do work very good. Layers are smooth like butter.I have a script where it parks hotend 60mm abobe the bed, blows part cooling fan full whack and heats the bed to print temp, then goes for mesh mapping.
@agniusm said in Creality CR-10 upgrade:
Those induction probes are less sensitive to aluminium and my z offset is at ~0.2mm.
True; but they are much more sensitive to magnetic materials, such as non-stainless steel screws. They are also somewhat sensitive to temperature and supply voltage.
There is no fluctuation from psu, unless dwc readouts are inacurate. I have no protruding bolts and all of my fittings are stainless exept for the frame but they are far away.
I know that probes are sensitive to heat and thats why i have a script to move it out of the way while heating.
Here is my bed and whats underneath: -
So i have checked and rechecked and M98 does not work.
My macro file gantry_leveling.g is located in /Macros catalog and i place:
M98 P/macros/gantry_leveling.g
It reports that file is not found. Was this function tested and confirmed working?
Maybe there is syntax errors and rules that must be followed like space between P and path or CAP sensitive? -
M98 is known to work
but it is Case sensistive!
did you try
M98 Pgantry_leveling.g
? -
Do you have any other characters on that line after the final ".g" ?
Are you certain that when you created the file, you didn't add an extra space after or before the filename?
You can also try:
M98 P"/macros/gantry_leveling.g"
M98 P"gantry_leveling.g"
@dc42 : maybe update the wiki to reflect the fact that quotes are allowed for M98?
OK, will try your suggestions. I guess my error will be with Case.
I am sure i have no space after .gBTW, i think i have pinpointed my leveling issue.
I have printed holders for Z motors and my right motor was getting hotter than left one to the point it melted plastic. I have ordered longer motors and some 50x50x5 aluminium angle to fabricate some brackets.
I think it was just turning motor slightly so compensation was canceling out on melted saggy plastic.
Wow, that took me some time to notice. -
@whosrdaddy In addition to knowing quotes are allowed it would be nice to know when they are required.
Maybe I'm old school, but I always contain paths and strings in quotation marks. Especially if there is white space in it.
@phaedrux It would be good to have these notes. A lot of useres are beginners as myself and are not familiar with machine code and finding a refference and solution might be overwhelming sometimes.
It doesn't explicitly say where they can be used but there is a section covering quoted strings -
@tjb1 good find. I knew I'd seen it somewhere. Thanks.
Recent versions of RepRapFirmware allow quoted strings to be used anywhere that a string parameter is expected. Some commands (e.g. M587) require the quotes. In older commands (e.g. M32) they are optional, for compatibility with slicers.
I changed the text in Quoted Strings and added a note to M98 to reflect this.
So i have pinpointed what was missing. Basically i have assumed that macro files are created as *.g but in fact they have none.
I have machined quick angle brackets to replace plastic ones and so far it look good so most probbable cause was melted holder for uneven first layer. -
@agniusm yeah macros can have no extension, or an arbitrary extension.
@agniusm It can be handy to give them an extension if you ever intend to edit them on a computer. That way you can associate the extension with your text editor.
Small details you need to be aware of. Good that i have got it sorted as new set of my parts will be loaded soon and i dont want to go over slicing again
I will check my parts tomorrow and if bottom layer is good, next thing to sort will be tool offset probe. After that, i am golden, can sink into a couch with couple pints and good old school sci-fi.
Cheers guys -
@phaedrux, not much to elaborate, Aliens, Star Wars, Star trek, Dune etc
I have finished my 24h run of parts and bottom is smooth like baby's bottom. Same run to confirm Z brackets was my issue.