Viewing Duet Ethernet on two web browsers canceled print?
Been using my Duet Ethernet for some time now successfully. Just recently got it port forwarded with webcam, so I can watch it on my phone when I'm out of the house.
Today, I was in my house on the web interface on my PC. I was about to leave, so I decided to make sure I could view it over the web via my phone: I had done this earlier in the day as a test. When I went to enter my password on my phone, it appears I entered it wrong. So I tired again, but this time the web interface on my phone was non-responsive. Looking at the printer I noticed: It had stopped printing: Not a pause... almost like a reboot had happened. Logging back on to my PC's web interface (it had gotten disconnected in the process), sure enough, it was like the machine had been entirely reset. Pain, good chunk of filament + hours had been used.
Any idea what caused this and how I can prevent it? The more I think about it, it seems like historically if I try to log into the web interface from more than one client, one of them will say "I've lost connection", but the machine itself has never just quit before.
I'm using firmware v1.21 & web interface v1.21. -
Think I have had something similar, also on Duet Ethernet. It has only happened once. One computer would have been viewing the page on Firefox logged in and the other IE just testing whether it could see the machine on the network - not logged in. I'd have to have a close look at the dates to figure out if it was 1.21 or a release candidate for 2.0. I think the latter.
@ak-eric said in Viewing Duet Ethernet on two web browsers canceled print?:
Today, I was in my house on the web interface on my PC. I was about to leave, so I decided to make sure I could view it over the web via my phone: I had done this earlier in the day as a test. When I went to enter my password on my phone, it appears I entered it wrong. So I tired again, but this time the web interface on my phone was non-responsive. Looking at the printer I noticed: It had stopped printing: Not a pause... almost like a reboot had happened.
I'm sorry you lost a print. If you ever get an unexpected reboot, please run M122 as soon as possible and post the report here. The software reset data and stack trace from that report will help me to work out what happened.
@dc42 : Will do, thanks. Next one I start I'll pressure test the system by trying to bounce back and forth between hardware\browsers and see if I can repro.
Is this possibly related: Even when only my PC has the DWC up, if I leave my PC unattended while printing, when I come back it's constantly 'disconnected': I have to refresh the browser and log back in again. It always leaves a very nondescript red bubble with no description as to why, but next time it happens I'll jot it down.
Of course trying to reproduce it has been impossible... but maybe that's a good thing. Much logging into different machines and connecting, and it all 'just works', lol.
But, in typical fashion, over time (when not troubleshooting this) my PC's web browser disconnected from the DWC, this is what it tells me:
Communication Error
A communication error was reported, so the current session has been terminated. Please check your board and try to connect again.However, the board is printing along just fine, and I can reconnect to it if I refresh the webpage. Probably unrelated from the original issue, but it would sure be nice for it to not do this if possible. I'm not sure the frequency, but if I had to guess, maybe it happens within 10 minutes?
Is your PC going into sleep mode when you don't touch the keyboard for 10 minutes?
You could try increasing "Maximum number of AJAX retries" in the Settings/General page of DWC.
@dc42 : Good question : I'll see if that has any relationship to the issue, thanks.
So, the 'view over two browsers' happened again. Unfortunately I wrote the gcode down wrong you told me to enter... I wrote M112 (emergency stop)... which isn't at all what I should have typed in. So, after that I tried the M122, but it had nothing to report.
Also note, that I'd been logging in from multiple browsers (on my PC and phone) pretty constantly for the past half hour testing stuff and this didn't happen. Then, it did.However, the initial bug was, I logged into the DWC from my PC (had been logged in on my phone), it asked for my password (which was weird, since I had just been using it a few minutes earlier, then closed chrome), and after entering it (possibly wrong), the whole machine reset and quit. Luckily I was only 10 minutes into a print this time.
I'll continue to try and repro this and enter the right gcode next time...