Possibly using 2 different type of probes for mesh bed compensation
I wanted to know if we could link "automatically" a different type of probe for G29 and height map per tool.
The reason is that I am currently converting my 3D printer into a PCB mill and with all of the bits that I have broken, I am getting lazy…
I was hoping that I could use my standard BLTouch for 3D printing and just add some wire to connect my PCB and cutter tool to the Z endstop (when cutter touch the copper = contact).
I am not very good in programming and I am just throwing ideas around... but from what I know, perhaps we could do something similar to what we had to with the BLTouch and the deployprobe.g to define different parameters for the probe, we could have on Tool0, Tool1,...
Thanks you
You could include M558 commands in the tool change files to select the correct probe type.
M563: Define or remove a tool
ParametersPnnn Tool number
'S"name" Tool name (optional)
Dnnn Extruder drive(s)
Hnnn Heater(s)
Fnnn Fan(s) to map fan 0 to (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
Xnnn Axis or axes to map X movement to (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
Ynnn Axis or axes to map Y movement to (RepRapFirmware 1.19 and later)How would I link the tool to the tool0.g?
I do not see any parameter that would allow me to do so.Thanks you
In the tool change files, as I said.
Do you have a source or documentation on tool change file?
I looked and couldn't find any.Thanks you
See section"Setting up the tool change files" at https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/2014/07/27/converting-the-reprappro-ormerod-to-dual-colour/#more-320.