adaptative mesh on delta, help
This is my startup script in orcaslcier
G28 ; home M104 S150 ; Precaliento nozzle M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Caliento la cama M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp M109 S150 ; wait for extruder temp G1 Z10 F30000 ; Bajo rapido para hacer el probe G30 ;Establezco altura Z para evitar error Z-datum y que cargue correctamente el offset del prob M98 P"0:/sys/00-Functions/print_area_mesh.g" A{first_layer_print_min[0]} B{first_layer_print_max[0]} C{first_layer_print_min[1]} D{first_layer_print_max[1]} M376 H5 ; turn on fade feature so it fades after 5mm height G1 X0 Y-165 Z80 F6000 ; Me pongo en posicion para limpiar el filamento M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder temp M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length M400 M98 P"0:/sys/primeLine.g" ; Fichero de purga por el borde G92 E0.0
And this is the script I am using to do the adaptative mesh.
; This command will only create a mesh of the print area ; This will reduce the printing time considerably by only probing what is needed ; start script call ; M98 P"0:/sys/00-Functions/print_area_mesh.g" A{first_layer_print_min[0]} B{first_layer_print_max[0]} C{first_layer_print_min[1]} D{first_layer_print_max[1]} var deviationFromOriginal = 20 var probeGridMinX = move.compensation.probeGrid.mins[0] var probeGridMaxX = move.compensation.probeGrid.maxs[0] var probeGridMinY = move.compensation.probeGrid.mins[1] var probeGridMaxY = move.compensation.probeGrid.maxs[1] var pamMinX = {var.probeGridMinX} ; Default the pamMinX value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g var pamMaxX = {var.probeGridMaxX} ; Default the pamMaxX value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g var pamMinY = {var.probeGridMinY} ; Default the pamMinY value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g var pamMaxY = {var.probeGridMaxY} ; Default the pamMaxY value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g var meshSpacing = {move.compensation.probeGrid.spacings[0]} ; Grabbing the spacing of the current M557 settings var minMeshPoints = 3 ; The minimal amount of probing points for both X & Y. var maxMeshPoints = 10 ; The max amount of probing points for both X & Y if exists(param.A) set var.pamMinX = {param.A} ; The min X position of the print job if exists(param.B) set var.pamMaxX = {param.B} ; The max X position of the print job if exists(param.C) set var.pamMinY = {param.C} ; The min Y position of the print job if exists(param.D) set var.pamMaxY = {param.D} ; The max Y position of the print job if (var.probeGridMinX + var.deviationFromOriginal) >= var.pamMinX ; Check if the difference between the min X and the print job min X is smaller than the set deviation set var.pamMinX = {var.probeGridMinX} ; The difference is smaller than the set deviation so set minX to the minimal of the printer's X if (var.probeGridMaxX - var.deviationFromOriginal) <= var.pamMaxX ; Check if the difference between the max X and the print job max X is smaller than the set devation set var.pamMaxX = {var.probeGridMaxX} ; The difference is smaller than the set devation so set maxX to the max of the printer's X if (var.probeGridMinY + var.deviationFromOriginal) >= var.pamMinY ; Check if the difference between the min Y and the print job min Y is smaller than the set devation set var.pamMinY = {var.probeGridMinY} ; the difference is smaller than the set devation so set minY to the minimal of the printer's Y if (var.probeGridMaxY - var.deviationFromOriginal) <= var.pamMaxY ; Check if the difference between the max X and the print job max X is smaller than the set devation set var.pamMaxY = {var.probeGridMaxY} ; The difference is smaller than the set devation so set maxY to the max of the printer's Y var meshX = floor(min(var.maxMeshPoints - 1, (max(var.minMeshPoints - 1, (var.pamMaxX - var.pamMinX) / var.meshSpacing) + 1))) ; Get the number of probes for X taking minMeshPoints and maxMeshPoints into account var meshY = floor(min(var.maxMeshPoints - 1, (max(var.minMeshPoints - 1, (var.pamMaxY - var.pamMinY) / var.meshSpacing) + 1))) ; Get the number of probes for Y taking minMeshPoints and maxMeshPoints into account var consoleMessage = "Set probe grid to use X-min: " ^ var.pamMinX ^ " ; X-max: " ^ var.pamMaxX ^ "; Y-min: " ^ var.pamMinY ^ "; Y-max: " ^ var.pamMaxY "; Probing points: " ^ var.meshX ^ ";" ^ var.meshY ; Set the console message M118 P2 S{var.consoleMessage} ; send used probe grid to paneldue M118 P3 S{var.consoleMessage} ; send average to DWC console M557 X{var.pamMinX, var.pamMaxX} Y{var.pamMinY, var.pamMaxY} P{var.meshX, var.meshY} ; Set the probing mesh G0 X{var.pamMinX + ((var.pamMaxX - var.pamMinX)/2) - sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]} Y{var.pamMinY + ((var.pamMaxY - var.pamMinY)/2) - sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]} ; Move to the center of the print area G30 ; Set the z height for the center of the print area G29 ; Probe the print area ; Restore the probing mesh to the original settings set var.meshX = floor((var.probeGridMaxX - var.probeGridMinX) / var.meshSpacing + 1) set var.meshY = floor((var.probeGridMaxY - var.probeGridMinY) / var.meshSpacing + 1) ;M557 R165 S40:40 ; define grid for mesh bed compensation MAX ALLOWED M557 X{var.probeGridMinX, var.probeGridMaxX} Y{var.probeGridMinY, var.probeGridMaxY} P{var.meshX, var.meshY}
I have not had any problems yet, but I think I could have it if I set a big enought piece, so that Min and Max X,Y point make a rectangule bigger than print area, and would love to set mesh area in RADIUS format instead of rectangle.
but don´t remember where I collected this code to ask for it, so would like for some advice on how to do it.
@apak I suggest something like this (not tested) to replace the M557 command at the end of your script:
var maxProbeRadius = 165 ; or use move.kinematics.printRadius if you can probe the entire printable area var highestXSquared = max(var.probeGridMinX * var.probeGridMinX, var.probeGridMaxX * var.probeGridMaxX) var highestYSquared = max(var.probeGridMinY * var.probeGridMinY, var.probeGridMaxY * var.probeGridMaxY) var maxRadiusSquared = var.highestXSquared + var.highestYSquared if var.maxRadiusSquared > var.maxProbeRadius * var.maxProbeRadius M557 R{var.maxProbeRadius} S40:40 else M557 X{var.probeGridMinX, var.probeGridMaxX} Y{var.probeGridMinY, var.probeGridMaxY} P{var.meshX, var.meshY}
@dc42 will try it later, thanks