emptying the instruction buffer after cancelling a job
Is there a way to empty the instruction buffer after cancelling a job?
M0 does not do it. I am having issues with my CNC lathe, after cancelling a job the only way to empty the buffer is to cycle the power of the board. I am running Duet 2 ethernet 0n 3.4.6 -
@flopes if you are running the job from the SD card, RRF does empty the buffer when you cancel a job.
@dc42 I am loading the programs thru web interface
@flopes please explain what you mean "loading the programs through the web interface".
@flopes when I cancel a job and restart, the buffer from the old sequence is executed
@dc42 upon cancelling and restarting, the buffer continues been executed, instead of beginning from the program first line
@flopes that's very odd. RRF always emptied the internal buffer as soon as you pause the print. If you resume the print it runs the resume.g macro, rewinds the file pointer to point to the first command that was discarded, then proceeds with the file again. Whereas if you press the Cancel button then it closes the file and runs the cancel.g macro, or the stop.g macro if there is on cancel.g macro.
What f anything do you have n the stop.g and cancel.g macros?
@dc42 this is my pause macro:
M280 P4 S800 ; GRINDER OFF
M280 P3 S800 ; SPINDLE OFFI have no cancel macro
@flopes no stop macro either