M-Code Request: Send CAN Message
@jml I think you could use the M42 command and associated messages for most or all of these. You may also need the M950 message to configure things. You can find the message formats and message IDs in the CANlib project, specifically the files CanID.h and CanMessageFormats.h.
If that's not suitable then we can add a "User defined" message type and reserve an ID for it.
@dc42 Thanks for the quick replies both of you!
I think M42 is not suitable since I would like to send more than a just a Yes/No or PWM signal. The "User Defined" sounds like its exactly what I'm looking for! I hope its not too difficult to implement.
@jml how many parameters do you need to send in a single message?
@dc42 I would think 4 would be enough to cover most things. 5 or 6 would be enough for future flexibility. Maybe 256 just to be safe
just kidding.
@dc42 Based on your message, it sounds like it could make it into the next build? If so, thanks!
undefined o_lampe referenced this topic
@jml it is unlikely to be in the next beta release and still TBC if it will be in 3.5 We have a huge number of requests right now!
@T3P3Tony No worries, I figured! But I will keep my fingers crossed
are there any news about the custom CAN-FD Message ? I already have my own hardware running with the duet 3 and would like to do the interaction with CAN-FD.
@OpenDev I should be able to implement this in time for the next 3.6 beta. I'll need to choose the parameter letters and their associated types. I'm thinking P unsigned integer, R and S signed integer, E and F floating point, and C string. Would this meet your needs?
Hello dc42,
oh, great to hear. I think these data types could be good for testing, I'm looking forward to it. Thank you!
@OpenDev this is implemented in 3.6beta3. https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M655:_Send_request_to_custom_CAN-connected_expansion_board
@dc42 Thank you very much, that looks perfect