Referencing single-quote axes
The config tool will let me create configurations for lower-case axes such as 'a. But the home files it creates affect the A axis. For instance, the line
G1 H1 'a-155 F1000 ; coarse home
does not power the 'a axis but rather the A axis. This appears to be the case with all G-Code commands; commands for single-quote axis do not affect the single-quote axis, but rather the capital-letter access.
@drivetrainsystems I've merged these topics as they are essentially the same.
I am using a Duet3d Mini5+ and firmware 2.5.1
Do you mean 3.5.1? If so, please update to 3.5.4 and test again.
How many axes do you have defined? The maximum number of supported axes is 10 (not including extruder drives) on a Mini 5+, if it is being used as the mainboard. See
Please post your config.g file as well.
@droftarts sorry, yes I meant 3.5.1.
I will update to 3.5.4.
I have 16 axes total, using 3 Mini5+ boards connected via CAN.My config.g config.g
Update: initial tests on 3.5.4 look like the issue is resolved! Thanks.
@drivetrainsystems Great, glad this is resolved for you. Though I can't see anything in the release notes that specifically addresses this issue.
@drivetrainsystems are you running with attached single board computer? I think there was a problem in early 3.5.x versions of DSF when lowercase axis names were used.
@dc42 no, I am controlling via USB from a laptop. I am using DWC for diagnostics, and it is hampering that DWC and RepRap config tool only allow limited number of axes. Also, RepRap config tool does not supply the latest firmware.
I have at least three symbols on my keyboard looking similar:
' ` ´
Just wondering if it was a typo error? But then the FW upgrade seems to work, maybe it's more typo-tolerant ?
@droftarts I'm sorry I may have spoken too soon when I said my problem was resolved. I am having trouble now: if I issue a
G28 'a
The machine, instead of homing 'a, homes X,Y,Z. What am I doing wrong? I am under great pressure to get this working.
@dc42 cc you just in case I can get a response ASAP -
I may have found the answer: we don't use single quotes to address lowercase axis? If that is the case then I have a new problem: home files for A and a will have the same name and thus cannot be added to the zip file I upload to the board. Is there a workaround for that?
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@Phaedrux @dc42 @droftarts if anyone has any input I really need help here. I recommended Duet3d to my client based on the fact that we can address 18 axes, wrote the software to do it, and am now dead in the water. We have to demo the machine in two days.
@drivetrainsystems have you tried uploading the homing files individually instead of in a zip file?
@drivetrainsystems Do you actually need to use G28 to home the axis? Could you not simply call a macro to do it (so use M98 to call say home_a.g rather than using G28 a)?
@dc42 no I haven't. Can I do that through the web interface? Attempting... Do I have it correct though that I should NOT use a single quote any longer to refer to lowercase axis? (note that the reprap config tool DOES generate files with the single quote syntax.)
@drivetrainsystems yes you need to use a single quote to refer to a lowercase letter axis, in GCode commands when referring to that axis and in the names of homing files. I suspect it is either your zip program or perhaps the unzip in DWC (used when you upload a zip file) that doesn't handle the quote in the name of your homing file.