@MartinMV said in
I am so far now, that I have the Z-Probe kind a working...
but it does not stop Z-movement but WLAN and fans.
Back to the endstop... go through every file to find something suspicous connected to e0-stop that may be changed to something with Z instead of Fan and Wifi...Sounds more likely that you have connected the probe between +V and Ground, so it's shorting out the board when triggered.
I had reverted it and now fan and wifi stay on.
But still even with
M574 Z1 P"e1_stop" S2 ; Z-Probe
M574 Z2 P"e1_stop" S2 ; Z-Probethe probe does not stop Z-movement in any way...
maybe this behaviour is defined somewhere else... -
e1stop or e1_stop
documentation... no info on the wiring documentation... -
interesting: there is a dedicated probe slot on the board but with four pins... which means crimping
probably then it will work without all that defining of e1_stop or e1stop to a probe. Which I could not figure out if it is with _ or not with the documentation.
@MartinMV said in
maybe this behaviour is defined somewhere else...
homing moves are defined in your homing files. homex.g homey.g homez.g homeall.g which get executed when G28 X, G28 Y, G28 Z, or G28 is sent, respectively.
The probe will be used when G30 is sent.
Endstops are used when G1 H1 moves are sent.See here: -
@MartinMV said in
probably then it will work without all that defining of e1_stop or e1stop to a probe. Which I could not figure out if it is with _ or not with the documentation.
Duet 2 pin names are here:
There's a link to the pin name format: pin name is a string of characters enclosed in double quotation marks. It is not case sensitive. All instances of _ and - characters are stripped from pin names before comparing them.
So either e1stop or e1_stop are acceptable.
What type of probe are you trying to connect?
crimped it for the other slot but does not work either...
by the way I could not even google anywhere if green or blue is grnd.I think I had it wrong.
days of work - if I give me a low salary of 20 bucks for every hour spend on this, I better buy a bambolab now... it will be cheaper -
@MartinMV Did you change the config? What probe is it, sounds like an inductive probe?
As @Phaedrux said, there's a fundamental difference between an endstop and a probe. You can have both on the Z axis, with your homing macros determining which is used to set Z0.
An endstop is usually a simple switch, it is defined by M574, and is triggered by moving the axis with a G1 H1 homing command. See
A probe can can also be a simple digital switch, but can also have an analogue output. The way it is integrated into the firmware is different, and has multiple functions and uses. A probe is defined by M558, and controlled by a number of different commands, depending on what function is required, including acting as an endstop to set the Z0 position. eg G30 (single probe), G29 (bed mesh), G38.2/3/4/5 (various workpiece probing commands). Probes that need to be deployed before use and retracted after are also supported. See the links @Phaedrux provided earlier.
anyway what ever it is, it needs to stop the movement if installed. And i find no solution for this.
Also the printer does not move up when running as a probe and just stays down and forces the probe along the bed
I just want to install a firmware not learn a complicated, non or bad documented ecosystem made by people who do not care about customer experiences.
@MartinMV maybe you'll do everyone a favour by installing klipper?
@MartinMV I think you have chosen the wrong hobby. You have the strangest attitude, being rude to people who have been nothing but professional and helpful with you. You fail to provide information for us to help you. You moan about documentation and customer experience, but you have been supplied with fast and accurate responses, and plentiful documentation links. If you have questions, ask them. Being negative doesn't help you.
I assume you are installing a Duet board on a printer that has a broken controller board; again, some explanation of what you're trying to do would be helpful. Maybe you should have replaced it with the same board, from the manufacturer. Otherwise, any controller board/firmware is going to need configuration. Duet boards probably have the most in-depth documentation of ANY controller board, being open source, and a strong community around using them. Try doing this with a Chinese board.
Until I get any substantive, specific information from you, there is little point in replying to you.
EDIT: Also, read the forum rules:
And guide for requesting help: -
I am sure that I will not stick with Duet3d hardware. Reprap firmware is so convoluted that I must admit it was a mistake trying to install.
At no point I was so rude to argue ad personam like you.
And everything you say about me, tells people a lot about you but nothing about me.
I had not the best days recently.
And my original board is fully functioning and I can turn back any day, if I like.
But I wanted to install that super firmware on one of the extremly good Duet3d boards to see, my printer functioning much better.I fell for a guy, who did clickbait on youtube.
@MartinMV Best of success in your future endeavors!
I'm locking this thread as it has strayed a long way from the original subject.
undefined droftarts locked this topic