Upgrading my E3D Toolchanger
I have upgraded my ToolChanger from Duet2 to Duet3 and added 2 1LC Tool boards and a roto toolboard and roto extruder. Managed to find most of the data to configure it and now trying to clear up the few remaining issues.I have the accelerometer operating but for the life of me canβt decide if I have the orientation correct. Could some one look at the photograph and tell me if my orientation configuration is correct.
; Accelerometers
M955 P122.0 I14Next problem is the roto filament monitor.
It doesn't relate to any filament monitor, I can find, on the duet website. Its type is not indicated and the connectors are not correct for the roto.The configuration:
; Filament Monitor
; M591 D0 P3 C"122.io1.in" S1and response to M591 D0
Duet3D magnetic filament monitor v1 on pin 122.io1.in, enabled when SD printing, 28.80mm/rev, allow 60% to 160%, check printing moves every 3.0mm, no data receivedI am assuming the blue wire is the data line.
It pauses a print soon after starting.
The filament monitor has a red led illuminated when no filament is present and extinguishes when filament is inserted.Final problem is the Scanning Z Probe. I have 2 SZP coils, a 12mm and a 15mm . Not sure which to use and what is the correct orientation.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Have you seen the Roto toolboard docs?
I think your orientation should be
unless I'm miss reading your photo and how the print head is oriented in the machine, but it looks like the standard orientation.What type of filament monitor to you actually have?
For the coil size, you'll need to try both and determine which works better for your bed. Have you seen the docs?
@johneato it looks to me that +Z on your toolchanger corresponds to the accelerometer +Y direction, and +X on your toolchanger will correspond to -X on the accelerometer. So according to https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m955-configure-accelerometer the orientation you need is 14.
Thanks both, Phaedrux and DC42 for your replys. I searched again the ED3 site and found a reference to a filament monitor which again didn't seem to relate to the Roto. It is described it as a simple on off switch, I adjusted the config and it now works great.
Thanks for the reassurance that the configuration for the accelerometer is correct ie 14. I am struggling a little to understand the graph for each axis, so checking config seemed like a good place to start.
The SZP coils still await progress.Thanks again
@Chriss Everything from that PDF has been integrated into the documentation.
There's even a link to the PDF in there.
@Phaedrux Very cool... thanks I have not seen that.
I cross reference from the g-code dictionary in the M593 section to the howto may be nice to have.
Cheers, Chriss