[Off Topic] Layer missalignament….
Please confirm that the belts are not steel-cored.
No are steel cored, are the stocks GYm belts.
I have tightthe belts… At the maximum tension that i have can and slow print..and the same, layer not aligned.
I have a idea to probe tomorrow:
A downgrade belt tension. How many?
B some time ago, I change the voltage in config.g... Return to stock values
In TLM Duet Facebook group, in the last config.g in files section, in the section [MOTORS], the M906 gcode (M906 X1800 Y1800 Z1800 E1500 I30). One week ago i change this values for a recommendation.What others test I can do?
Can you post a photo of a print that shows the layer shift?
You M203 XYZ settings are 39960 which is very high. Try reducing them to 18000 or 12000.
… It is not easy share images, I am doing wrong... But
You were going to acquire a Zesty Nimble right?
If you are printing with one, make sure that the drive cable is not making your effector platform loose its position. The connection between the drive cable and the extruder needs to be relaxed. (not my words"relaxed and free arch to the stepper." by Zesty Nimble)
Yes… But for the moment I don't have. I need print the adaptor....
I took the liberty of editing your post to display the images inline.
I don't see a layer shift in those prints, but I think the extruder steps/mm or extrusion factor may be a little high, and the nozzle temperature may be too high.
Thanks… Later try. Seems reasonably... It would be bad doctor
P. D. : What I have to do, for insert images in posts....??
To answer the question about displaying images:
[[language]] [img]https://www.dropbox.com/s/km0zmzyss6zfstd/FB_IMG_1513451641565.jpg?raw=1[/img]
Edit the Dropbox link to have raw=1 at the end
After some changes, recommend by DC42, the print are much better, not perfect, but quasi…
What changes i have do?
- Reduce temperature for ABS, to 215
- Reduce extrusion multiplier... i know, i was using a PLA profile....
- Reduce M92 E, to M92 E790
And the results, are much better:
Only one thing more, in the internal face, there are "bloops", in the face. Why can they be?
Thanks to DC42, for your help,i know is a off topic theme
And thanks to T3P3Tony, for photo tip…..