Duet 3 SBC with 12864 Display, SD Card access
I connected a 12864 Display to my Duet 5 mini thats running in SBC mode. The Screen works, but i got no access to the macros and printing files.
I guess the problem is, that in SBC mode, the SD card is a virtual one.
Running M122 tells me that there is no SD0 in my setup.Is there a way to get access to these files trough the display?
@Yukikaze which firmware version are you using?
@dc42 RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ 3.4.0 (2022-03-15)
@Yukikaze please test it using 3.5.0beta4 if you can. If it's not working on thay version then I can try to implement a fix in time for 3.5.0rc1.
@dc42 I installed the 3.5.0bet4 now and it still doesn't report SD 0 as mounted if i send M122:
=== Storage === Free file entries: 20 SD card 0 not detected, interface speed: 0.0MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 0.0ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 0
I can use my macro files trough the display if i create a button with the corresponding filepath:
button R13 C1 F0 H0 V5 T"- Bed Correction" A"M98 P#0" L"/macros/Bed correction"
But the list files command doesn't work. It complains about not finding an SD:
files R15 N4 I"/gcodes" A"M32 #0|return|return"
files R15 N4 I"0:gcodes" A"M32 #0|return|return"
The Documentation of the 12864 Displays tells me that the command isn't supportet with a SBC configuration:
"Display a list of files N files high and allow one of the files to be selected. The list uses the full width of the display. This menu item type is not available when the Duet is used with a Single Board Computer."
@Yukikaze thanks. I'll look at what would need to be done to make the file list menu item work in SBC mode.