Smart effector triggered when bed is on, or near other printers
Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation, or maybe have a solution? I run a small print farm, with 5 of the printers using neither duet Wi-Fi, or Duet3s.
3 of them being installed with smart effectors. My issues come into play, when ever I perform a bed leveling sequence, my prob is triggered before touching the bed. This is due to the heated bed. If I turn the bed off it works fine. Same issue accrues if I have these printers near each other, while one is working, and I try to calibrate its neighbor, I get the same response.
The problem lies where I set my beginning scripts to run a calibration before each print, and if I’m not around to manually turn the bed off before calibrating, I get an error. Again the same thing will happen if it’s near an other duet based printer.
Has anyone run into this issue? Is there a Fix? I would like to avoid the hassle of manually changing settings if at all possible. Thanks!!
For reference I’m using Seemecnc onyx rev 8 pcb heated beds on 12v
Maybe you can change the wiring to the SmartEffector and use twisted pair wires (or maybe even shielded)?
Also check for propper grounding (no GND loop) for the whole printer. Or GND all printers together?
The frames could be connected to 'earth' (PE) -
@o_lampe I’m sorry to be honest I’m not very familiar with this sort of wording, as in grounding printers. What do you mean by that exactly?
I will mention the wires them selves are twisted, that are connected to the duet board
@eddygara some bed heaters generate strong and varying magnetic fields when they are active, and these magnetic fields affect BLTouch, Smart Effector, and some other types of Z probe. The M558 command includes an optional B1 parameter. If you use this parameter in your M558 command then all heaters will be turned off during the probing move.