Tool change issues after firmware update 1.19.2
Dear I have done the update of the firmware per your request
Situation is the same with a slight difference
now when I select tool 0 from a fresh machine boot , it doesn't complete the full tool change, the gcode file is not fully processed,
as opposed to before I could just type T0 and it will collect the tool without problem .after I put the T0 back in standby and do an other T0 I will get it correctly ,
then I do a T1 command and it will fetch tool1 but after the selection is complete T0 is set to active., I feel strange, for sure I am not the only guy owning a duet wifi with a tool change, but no one else is complaining about this problem
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
for info
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.20beta4 (2017-10-28)
WiFi Server Version: 1.20beta2
Web Interface Version: 1.19.3best regards
Dear DC42
There is some improvement and possibly resolved !!!!
I just updated the firmware as per previous msg
tried again the tool change, the problem of the 1st boot and T0 command disappeared, then I did a T1 command and I got an error MSG Error: Bad command: Lift Z relatively to current position
I removed the Z lift command and now when I change tools the correct tool is active
some thing strange is that the z lift is the same in pre0 then in pre1 but the error is only appearing in T1
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
I'm glad the main issue is resolved. I think you have the text "Lift Z relatively to current position" in your tpre1.g file, without the semicolon at the start to indicate that it is a comment.
I will check right away
you are right
the ; was missing , but it has always been missing cause I did not edit the file
the error msg is gone but the stop in the middle of the tool change remains on T1T0 is being parked and collected correctly
but when it goes back to collect tool1 seems that to stops before finished and immediately wait for the tool to get to temp then continue printing but the tool1 is not loadedThanks
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
OK, it's back on my list to look at.
Dear DC42
just to see what happens I have let the printer continue to printthe behavior is as follow
start printing
T0 is loaded waiting till it reaches temp , start 1 layer
T0 is parked Tfree fully executed
T1 is in the process of being loaded the gcode executes to the 5th line of the tpre, and stops there
then remains there till the nozzle reaches the temperature ,
once the temperature is reached it continues to print , without the tool being loaded , but the tool is active like it should .
once the layer without loaded tool is completed it executes Tfree1 successfully
Then execute tpre0 successfully and tool0 is correctly loaded wait for temp to be reached and start printing.hope it will help u to find the glitch
Best Regards
Manuel TopiolI have put back the 1.18 firmware and the switching is back to normal no stopping at T1 command
This is probably not closely related but I'm running 1.19.2 (2017-09-01) and noticed that the final line of my tfree macros is not reliably executed (when using the select tool command in the WebUI). It sometimes finishes the macro without performing the last move but will perfectly execute any following command (which ofc could cause a crash into the dock). I ended up with duplicating the final line to safeguard its execution.
Magnetic tool changer on a corexy.[[language]] ; tfree0.g ; called when tool 0 is freed ; M83 G0 E-5 F1200 M82 G0 X252 Y215 F16000 G91 G0 Y47 G0 X30 F4000 G0 X4 F2000 G90 G0 Y215 F6000 G0 Y215 F6000
Dear foehnsturm
I am also using a magnetic tool change , with the 1.18 firmware I can confirm that all is working well ,
I never managed to get 1.19 working ,since I always had the wrong tool active. did you experience something similar ?
The issue with wrong tool being active got solved with the latest 1.2 beta4 but I am still facing some issues with the tpre file as it is not fully executed.Best Regards
MT -
Dear DC42 & foehnsturm
Seems foehnsturm is correct !!
I have tried to add the last line of tpre1 2 times and it seems to work
If I may ask what slicer are you guys using ?
thanks to both of you
Best Regards
MT -
Great that I could help.
@dc42, could there be an issue with always completely executing the macro?, no yet using a slicerJust finished the park and pickup sequences.
do you use something similar to mark2 for your tool change ?
Best Regards
MT -
A little more complicated: multiple toolheads but only one stepper.
I have tried some similar approach some time ago without much success I was clogging my nozzle 2 often with the retract , then I just dropped it. since I have limited time for my hobbies
If you don't mind could you post some picture just for my curiosityBest Regards
MTPs if you intrested something I have tested with great success ,the use of compressed air for cooling the part during printing , for small part worked miracles only problem was the amount of air used and the noise, my neighbor became crazy , the compressor was working to much and for to long :-). so reverted to the traditional fan,
the advantaged was less weight on the head and vibration was reduced ,not that there is a lot of vibration , but any improvement is an improvement how ever small
Dear DC42
I found an other issue , if I cancel a print the tool change macro are not being executed
to better explain , if I cancel a print and a tool is still loaded , I and I click on the tool to put it back in standby and go back to its parking place , I get no respondsBest regards
MT -
Chrishamm put an option in DWC to not run the tool change macros when you change tool in DWC. Perhaps you have that option selected?
Once again you are right got over exited to have my printer working again , and was to quick to post,
pls accept my apologiesThanks again for your support
Best Regards
MT -
I am on 1.19(.0) as this is what my duet wifi came with and I can't find the download for the 1.19.2, or the download isn't listed as .2 ?
I have the same issue that the tool change files are not fully executed. The movement to the pickup/drop off position are not getting reached all the time.
I am using a magnetic tool pickup system too.Files used:
tfree0.g, tfree1g
tpre0.g, tpre1.g
tpost0.g, tpost0.gtfree0.g
[[language]] G90 G1 X-34.0 F3000 ; move to left side M42 P5 S0 ; left magnet off
[[language]] G90 G1 X244.0 F3000 ; move to right side M42 P6 S0 ; right magnet off
[[language]] G90 G1 X-34.0 F3000 ; move to left side M42 P5 S1 ; left magnet on
[[language]] G90 G1 X244.0 F3000 ; move to right side M42 P6 S1 ; right magnet on
[[language]] ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached M116 P0
[[language]] ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached M116 P1
I am on 1.19(.0) as this is what my duet wifi came with and I can't find the download for the 1.19.2, or the download isn't listed as .2 ?
I have the same issue that the tool change files are not fully executed. The movement to the pickup/drop off position are not getting reached all the time.
I am using a magnetic tool pickup system too.Latest stable firmware binaries are always at
Please check whether the tool change issue is the same as the previous user had, i.e. DWC configured to not run the tool change macros.