Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function
@macgyver ok, you're wiring doesn't look correct to me. I suggest you read through this link
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_a_Z_probe#Section_Duet_2_WiFi_Ethernet_with_Duex_2_Duex_5_or_Expansion_Breakout_Board -
HI @jay_s_uk
I was suspecting that I was considering moving the 3 wires over to the PWM5 on the Deux. what I am unsure of is how do I tell the firmware that's where the BLtouch probe is located? is there a pins diagram somewhere to tell me the pin number?
I'm used to building marlin firmware and there is just something I'm missing in this translation to Duet.
I guess the question now becomes, Currently I have my config.g Its setup and S0 or pin0, how do I find out the pin number for PWM5 so I can update the S0?
Maybe I am missing something, Do I change the Duex.pwm1 to Duex.pwm5 to reallocate the pin. Then I lease S0 alone? sorry just losing something in firmware translation.
Here are your pin names.
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/RepRapFirmware_3_overview#Section_Pin_names_for_Duet_2_WiFi_EthernetAnd here is the Duex wiring diagram
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duex_wiring_diagrams@macgyver said in Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function:
Would be correct if you want to use the PWM5 port on the duex.
M950 S0 C"duex.pwm5"
All else would stay the same.
Also make sure your deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files have the correct M280 P0 commands to deploy and retract, and make sure those files are in the /sys folder. Test with M401 and M402 before trying to do a G30.
See here for further guidance on safely testing the probe.
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_and_calibrate_the_Z_probe -
HI @phaedrux
so just to make sure that I understand, the P0 ref is just a arbraturary number that you assign to PWM5 by ref both in the same M950 command?
Similar in Marlin to making a ref call to the pins file, but instead of pins you call the Duex.pwm5 file?
instead of just fixing it trying to understand where the call is coming from that's all.
I think this is correct?
@macgyver basically. M950 S0 creates servo pin 0. It's an index number. You can have many servo pins. S1 S2 S3 etc. And each one has a physical pin assigned to it. In this case duex.pwm5.
And when you want to target that servo pin you target the index number in your servo movement command. M280 p0 or p1 p2 etc.
still have a bit of an issue, when I am doing the dynamic testing I run the M401 and M402 and now the probe deploys and retracts as it should,
- (note; the blue light only comes on after I deploy the first time, will not come on at boot)
The Probe status in the dashboard shows zero "0"
when I run the M401 / M402 the BLtouch status does not changeHowever when I unplug one of the white/black wire the BLtouch status the status goes to "1000"
this tells me that the BLtouch is triggering however the input is not being seen by the Duet.
My M574 is defined with a type S2, and I have removed the M307 from the config.g as I am using firmware version 3X.
; Endstops
M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on X via pin xstop
M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z; Z-Probe
M950 S0 C"duex.pwm5" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch
M558 P9 C"^zprobe.in" H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
M558 H30 ;*** Remove this line after delta calibration has been done and new delta parameters have been saved
G31 P500 X5 Y0 Z2.5 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X15:485 Y15:485 S23.5 ; define mesh grid -
Looks like I may have it,
originally in my config.g I had the following
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on ZI read in a note about version 3 firmware that the S2 switch is intended for non-Z axis only.
Updated the command to
M574 Z1 S1 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z
now when the probe is triggered the bed stops and pulls down as it should.
Still no blue light on boot up but all functionality tests appear to work. After the first deployment of the BLtouch the blue light comes on not an issue. is this something I should rectify?
@macgyver said in Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function:
The Probe status in the dashboard shows zero "0"
when I run the M401 / M402 the BLtouch status does not changeThat's not what the trigger status is watching for. Deployment is totally separate. It will only show triggered very briefly when the pin is deployed and gets pushed back up. It will only change the display for a split second and go back to un triggered. You may not even see it there.
@macgyver said in Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function:
M574 Z1 S1 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z
M574 will have no effect on the probe settings. Just M558 and G31 apply to the probe.
@macgyver said in Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function:
but all functionality tests appear to work
That's all that matters.
ok, thanks again for your time, I appreciate it.
@macgyver is it working now?
@dc42 Hello sorry for stealing this topic but i have same problem and on web shows 1000 for Z-PROBE
when i unplug bl touch goes to zero? -
@matej1006 said in Duet 2 with Duex 5, cannot get BLtouch to function:
@dc42 Hello sorry for stealing this topic but i have same problem and on web shows 1000 for Z-PROBE
when i unplug bl touch goes to zero?Please create a new thread.
Hi Guys
Sorry, I missed the update, Yes all is working now. thanks again for your help.
Up to the last tests I was doing it was a coding issue, as it turns out somewhere along the line the BLtouch sensor went bad. I wrote a script to probe 10 times and report the divination. the number was never the same, or even close for that point. turned out the touch was bad.
undefined Macgyver referenced this topic