Cant Connect to Duet3 6HC
Hello all,
I have my Duet3 freshly connected today. I run the board in conjunction with a Raspberry.
The board started and everything was ok so far.
The first thing I did - software update (the lastest stabile). So took the current software, uploaded it and let it install. After that it didn't go any further..The web interface of the Rapsberry starts, but gets no connection to the board.
Also over USB no connection is to be gotten.
Different cables and even a "reset" according to the manual ('t_respond).It stays at "Error Reading device", so no com port or similar.
Advice on how I can get the board back to life?
@lordofcheese said in Cant Connect to Duet3 6HC:
The first thing I did - software update (the lastest stabile). So took the current software, uploaded it and let it install.
What exactly did you do to update?
If you're using the Pi you should be updating using the Pi terminal and sending sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.
@lordofcheese said in Cant Connect to Duet3 6HC:
It stays at "Error Reading device", so no com port or similar.
Where do you see that errors?
What LEDs are lit on the board?
Have you tried using this method to apply firmware to the board yet? -
I did it wrong.
Started all and used via the Webinterface...The mentioned error is from Windows when I plug in USB. The PI can't connect.
I tried it with your manual but Windows don't recognise the board. "Error reading device". So no Com-Port is available...
@lordofcheese said in Cant Connect to Duet3 6HC:
I tried it with your manual but Windows don't recognise the board. "Error reading device". So no Com-Port is available...
Did you place the erase jumper to clear the firmware and then remove it to make it available for flashing?
Yes. But this didn't work.The 5V LED is Red, the 2.3V LED is green, die LED namens "Status" is glowing red (mich darker than all the others) and the USB LED is Red.
Today another PC, same procedure. "Unknown USB-Device (Error when requesting a device description)"
@lordofcheese said in Cant Connect to Duet3 6HC:
The board started and everything was ok so far.
How much was working originally?
Pi was successfully connected to the board. I was able to see the settings and tabs...
That's all...
A fast death -
If you connect the Duet to the Pi via USB only, are you able to try flashing it there via BOSSAC command line?
It is also possible to use the command line version (bossac) with this command line (replace COMxx by the correct COM port number and DuetFirmware.bin by the correct bin file name):
bossac --port=COMxx -b -U -e -w -v path\DuetFirmware.bin -R -
You are genius.For the PI, it was no problem to flash the board. It's running now. You have rescued me!
Big thanks! -
The Duet 3 6HC USB chip is very particular about it's USB speed when the firmware has been erased. Seems to be more of an issue with windows.
Maybe. I tried 4 different Laptops. Maybe something with a Windows configuration.Lessons Learned: better do it with the PI
@lordofcheese the cable is important too. I find that the USB extension cable that works with all my other boards won't work with the 6HC. It's because Microchip uses USB high speed mode in the bootloader of the SAME70 chip - I've no idea why they did that.
I can recommend these cables from monoprice.
If you search for the name of it in your local amazon you can probably find them there too.