DWC Problems
@mmm do you have M552 S1 in your config?
post an output of M122 if you can -
@jay_s_uk Thank you,
yes, M552 S1 is included in my coniguration,
when i start the duet up, it tells me rigth away that the network is up and running and i can get a ping from it, but dwc won't start up. -
@mmm I would suggest copying your config, formatting the card and then resetting it up.
An M122 output may still be helpful -
And here is the resonse to the M122 command as pdf
m122.pdf -
@jay_s_uk ah ok I'll try that.
Once i format the sd - card i have to reinstall the firmware von the duet, or is this not necessary? -
@mmm no, its no required to reinstall the firmware
@mmm can I also suggest upgrading to 3.3 as well (although that shouldn't make a difference)
@jay_s_uk ok yes i'll try that, thank you
ok soo, i did format the SD-Card, but no change whatsover.
I still can get a ping from the board and it says it is connected to the internet, but dwc still won't open -
@mmm can you post your config and a screenshot of the SD card contents? the root and www folder contents are fine
@jay_s_uk of cause, this pdf should include everything config.pdf
@jay_s_uk ok i guess I have to dive a bit deeper into this topic doing these adjustments.
I'll try and read myself a bit into this, I will write here once again when I am stuck.
Thank you very much for your help! -
Can you also verify the contents of your www folder?
Testing with DHCP would be a good first start. Whenever you set a static IP address you run the risk of an ip address conflict with another device on the network that already has that address if you're not careful.
ok So i did set the gateway ip adress an checked my server if another device is using this adress, but nothing changed and the IP-adress is unused.
Enclosed you can find the content of my www folder www_content.pdf -
Have you been able to test with DHCP?
Can you confirm that the www folder is in the root of the SD card and not inside another folder?
another thing to test would be to set a static IP address on the Duet and direct connect it to your PC/Laptop which also has a manually set IP address in the same range and seeing if you can ping it.
@phaedrux Yes, but that is not the problem, in both cases I can get a ping from the duet, but dwc won`t start. And yes, the www folder is not hidden in another folder.
I just found my mistake, after checking the configuration file muliple times i noticed a typing mistake at the M586 command. Thank you all for your great support.