Error following update
Good evening,
Following my many problems of setting, I wanted to make the update in 1.19,
But as a misfortune never happens alone I made a mistake, I downloaded the .bin from the web interface and instead of refusing the installation I accept ,,,
So my DUET WIFI does not want to connect on my wifi, I have good hand via PONTERFACE, but impossible to start the wifi via command M552 S1,
I run M122 this is what it shows me.
**>>> M552 S0
WiFi module started
Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10
[ERROR] Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10M552 S1
WiFi module started
Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10
[ERROR] Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10M122
=== Diagnostics ===
Used output buffers: 1 of 32 (14 max)
=== Platform ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi version 1.19beta11 running on Duet WiFi 1.0
Static ram used: 21132
Dynamic ram used: 96292
Recycled dynamic ram: 1360
Stack ram used: 4008 current, 5316 maximum
Never used ram: 6972
Last reset 00:03:25 ago, cause: power up
Last software reset reason: User, spinning module GCodes, available RAM 6972 bytes (slot 0)
Software reset code 0x0003, HFSR 0x00000000, CFSR 0x00000000, ICSR 0x00400000, BFAR 0xe000ed38, SP 0xffffffff
Error status: 0
[ERROR] Error status: 0Free file entries: 10
SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec
SD card longest block write time: 0.0ms
MCU temperature: min 30.7, current 31.8, max 32.6
Supply voltage: min 0.4, current 0.5, max 0.6, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0
Driver 0: ok
Driver 1: ok
Driver 2: ok
Driver 3: ok
Driver 4: ok
Date/time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Slowest main loop (seconds): 0.100082; fastest: 0.000031
=== Move ===
MaxReps: 0, StepErrors: 0, FreeDm: 240, MinFreeDm 240, MaxWait: 0ms, Underruns: 0, 0
Scheduled moves: 0, completed moves: 0
Bed compensation in use: none
Bed probe heights: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
=== Heat ===
Bed heater = 0, chamber heater = -1
Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.0
=== GCodes ===
Segments left: 0
Stack records: 1 allocated, 0 in use
Movement lock held by null
http is idle in state(s) 0
telnet is idle in state(s) 0
file is idle in state(s) 0
serial is ready with "M122" in state(s) 0
aux is idle in state(s) 0
daemon is idle in state(s) 0
queue is idle in state(s) 0
autopause is idle in state(s) 0
Code queue is empty.
Network state is disabled
WiFi module is disabled
HTTP sessions: 0 of 8
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0)**
If someone has an idea.
thanks in advance -
Put the SD card in a PC, copy DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin into it and rename it to exactly DuetWiFiServer.bin. Safely remove the card from the PC, put it back in the Duet. Restart the Duet and run M997 S1 to install it. When the blue led on the WiFi module stops flashing, run your macro to set the access point details.
He replies that:
File DuetWiFiServer.bin not found -
I should have said you need to put that file in the /sys folder on the card.
Yes it is well here that I put the file
Did you either restart the Duet or send M21 after you put the SD card back in?
Are you sure its name matches exactly the name it says it can't find?
No I did not restart or made M21, must I do it.
Yes the filename is the same. Can we do a hard reset on this card?
Thank you for your patient -
You can do a hard reset by pressing the reset button (don't press the erase button by mistake!). Or you can send M999.
Hi, I also upgraded my firmware, then ran into issues regarding the wifi module. So I DL the DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin file and renamed it to DuetWiFiServer.bin
It wrote the firmware successfull but still I'm not able to start wifi module. Here is a log from pronterface. I have also tried restarting the duet wifi after firmware upgrade.
Connecting... Printer is now online. >>> M997 S1 SENDING:M997 S1 Trying to connect at 460800 baud: success Erasing 290848 bytes... Uploading file... 5% complete 10% complete 15% complete 20% complete 25% complete 30% complete 35% complete 40% complete 45% complete 50% complete 55% complete 60% complete 65% complete 70% complete 75% complete 80% complete 85% complete 90% complete 95% complete Upload successful WiFi module started Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10 [ERROR] Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10 >>> M552 S1 SENDING:M552 S1 WiFi module started Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10 [ERROR] Error: Failed to initialise WiFi module, code -10
Hm, seems like it didnt upgrade the wifi firmware, shouldn't it be 1.19?
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.19 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-08-14Running the firmware upgrade routine again won't change from 1.0 to 1.19 wifi firmware.
EDIT! For anyone else just seeing this post, read this page:
Solved all my issues!
Do EXACTLY as it says.
It shows me this message is normal?SENDING: M999
[ERROR] Can not read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failed
Exception in thread Thread-15:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyc", line 808, in __bootstrap_inner
File "threading.pyc", line 761, in run
File "printrun \ printcore.pyc", line 357, in _sender
File "printrun \ printcore.pyc", line 623, in _send
File "encodings \ utf_8.pyc", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can not decode byte 0xe9 in position 33: invalid continuation byte -
Well I move slowly,
Now I just have a problem with the SetNetwork macro when I get to this step: M587 S "your-network-ssid" P "your-network-password". I therefore replace the non of my network between the "ā¦.." and the password of it between the "....." which gives the code:
M587 S "...." P "...."
I make the command and I have the error:
Unsupported command: M857 S "...." P "....."
Is something wrong?
Thank you -
you seem to have a typo make sure the command you are sending is indeed M587 your error looks like you are send M857?
Thank you
yes that's right, but it's been 3 days that I try to advance with this printer so I'm starting to be tired.
Ā The map to find my network wifi:
Ā >>> M587
Remembered networks:
LIVEBOX-2AF2But if I want to connect to it with the command M552 S1 it returns the following error message:
M552 S1
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
Wifi module is idleā-------------------------------------------------------
When I reconnect on PONTERFACE I have this message: Connecting ...
Printer is now online.
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
Wifi module is idleDo you have an idea ?
Thank yo -
It probably means that you didn't send the M587 command to store the SSID and password details correctly. You can send M587 with no parameters to get a list of SSIDS that have been stored.
Instead of send the M587 command from a macro, you can also use a terminal emulator. Under Windows I use YAT, You can't use Pronterface, Repetier etc. because they will convert the lower case characters in your password to uppercase.
It probably means that you didn't send the M587 command to store the SSID and password details correctly. You can send M587 with no parameters to get a list of SSIDS that have been stored.
Instead of send the M587 command from a macro, you can also use a terminal emulator. Under Windows I use YAT, You can't use Pronterface, Repetier etc. because they will convert the lower case characters in your password to uppercase.
Thanks to all, it's back again.
Thank you for your patient.
It is necessary to use YAT