Announcement: Duet 3 Toolboard revision v1.1
@fotomas I did received mine from dold
And it working great.
For now I tested only accelerometer as far I am building new large 3d printer. It took 15 minutes to crimp wiring, solder the 120 ohm bridge and run. -
@dc42 said in Announcement: Duet 3 Toolboard revision v1.1:
@lbi do you have a proper crimp tool?
I hate crimping, but once done it makes disconnecting and reconnecting wires much quicker than using screw terminals.
At least I am not alone in the universe with that issue
yeah of course you have a point, I know I can force myself to do it, just the outcome is appropriate to my feeling while doing it, I can borrow a tool at work, but some of them work even better when "crimped" by hand with a tiny plier... Ah for now I crimp, it is alright. Just would be great in the future to have the possiblity maybe to even order them with no connnectors soldered and buy either a screw-in or a crimp-connector kit and just solder it there, and for that the 4 through-hole-pads for the motor are missing. I know this would be / is for advanced users... but my solder-skills are actually not as bad as my crimp-skills are. Didnยดt want to bother all of you. It is allright. Keep up your work!
Best regards
Is there a rough estimate when the product will be available again in germany ? -
@diy-o-sphere there is another batch currently undergoing testing, so I don't think it will be long.
Nice work, great to see that you listen to customer feedback.
Some feedback/questions from my end:
I do like the crimped connectors, but nice to see that the holes are still there for people preferring screw terminals. A suggestion for a future revision would be to align these holes so that one solid row of screw terminals can be mounted instead of separate sets. This makes the terminals a lot more sturdy and one would be less likely to damage pads or connectors if using too much force fastening the wires.
As a v1.0 owner, I'm a tad sad to see I'm missing out on all the accelerator fun.
Therefore the question whether I (being familiar with patching hardware, soldering and epoxy) would somehow be able to retro-fit an accelerometer to the v1.0 hardware. I was thinking about some daughter board holding the accelerometer and some passives and then connecting it to some pads/traces.- If possible, any docs on what to do, or schematics to look at?
- In either case, it might be a good idea for a future revision to break out every (unused) signal/pin to testpoints so patch boards can be made.
@khenderick we decided not to attempt to add an accelerometer to a v1.0 tool board when prototyping, because it is difficult. First, you need to access pads of the SAMC21 MCU that are under the chip. Second, you need to connect a level shifting IC between the MCU (which runs at 5V) and the accelerometer (which runs at 3.3V).
If you decided to attempt the modification yourself then you would also need to build custom firmware, because some of the pin allocations were changed between version 1.0 and 1.1 in order to free up pins for the accelerometer.
@khenderick Schematics are here, if you choose the hacking option:
v1.1: don't have to miss out; you can connect the accelerometer to a SAMMY C21 board (and connect that to the Toolboard CAN) or direct to the mainboard.
The v1.1 tool board schematic linked to above isn't quite right, because the board are modified during production:
- the INT output of the accelerometer is no longer connected to PA19 of the microcontroller;
- INT is instead connected through a silicon diode to PA00.
@dc42 I saw that one guy on twitter made a back toolboard 1.1
Where did he get the gerber files from?
@pcr he did not get the gerbers
@t3p3tony Sure?;) Looks Not Like diy
@pcr said in Announcement: Duet 3 Toolboard revision v1.1:
@dc42 I saw that one guy on twitter made a back toolboard 1.1
@pcr I am sure Brendon or I will explain at some point
I wanted the new revision, even though I am hardly at the point I understand everything I need to do before input shaping, with that even a version away and my existing boards aren't even a few months old.
But it turns out an easy decision to replace if you just forget to power the board down while doing some adjustments, slip with a t-handle hex and somehow manage to touch two things that shouldn't be touched.
As the boards red light disappears never to be seen again, a gingerly walk to the computer for the local parts store where its already been confirmed they have a v1.1 in stock.
It arrives in slightly more than 4 hours, unless it doesn't, but lets not think like that.
@droftarts Thanks. Seems it will be hard to patch an accelerometer to v1.0 unfortunately. That might be a suggestion for a future revision; make the I2C pins available on test pins.
Adding a Sammy C21 will be more realistic. Without highjacking the topic too much; having a toolchanger, would adding one to the toolhead make sense, so it would be used for / shared by multiple tools? Or would supporting such thing in the firmware be unlikely?
@khenderick adding one to the carriage should be sufficient
@khenderick said in Announcement: Duet 3 Toolboard revision v1.1:
Adding a Sammy C21 will be more realistic. Without highjacking the topic too much; having a toolchanger, would adding one to the toolhead make sense, so it would be used for / shared by multiple tools?
I suggest having one that you can move between tools. However, if all the tools are the same (e.g. all Hemera with standard hot end) then they should all have the same resonant frequencies, and you should only need to calibrate input shaping for one of them.
I write here not to open a new post.
Is it possible to connect an inductive probe (Omron TL-Q5 NPN ) powered at 24v to the IO_3in port of a 1LC v1.3 board?
How many voltage does the IO_3 port tolerate? -
@Gianluca please open a new post