Fan control and Panel Due 7i stopped working
@simwiz you are good to continue using out5 if you haven't run out of fan ports. A blown mosfet won't do any harm if nothing is connected to the corresponding output.
I made a mistake in my earlier post; it's IO0 that must not be used when you connect PanelDue via the ribbon cable. So check that your config.g file doesn't refer to io0, and that you have nothing plugged into IO0.
It's unlikely that the IO6 problem and the PanelDue problem are related. Check that in the Setup page of the PanelDue, the baud rate is set to 57600.
@dc42 I was aware of the io0 requirement, and so have nothing using that port.
Yes, the baud rate matches on both the duet and the panel due.
I had them both working great and then I went to use the panel due and noticed it is stuck on connecting.
@simwiz the next thing is to check whether the Duet is receiving anything from the PanelDue. To do this, connect the Duet to a PC via USB (it's safest not to apply VIN power, see the page on USB ground loops). Load YAT or another terminal emulator on the PC and send M115 to establish that you have communication. Then send:
M111 S1 P3
This will echo all received GCode commands to the PC. If the Duet is receiving data from the PanelDue then you should see lines beginning with "aux: M409".
@dc42 Ok. Seems like no communication. All I received was:
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.3RC3 ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 Mini5plus WiFi FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-05-26 13:44:51
M111 S1 P3
Debugging enabled for modules: GCodes(3 - 0xffffffff)
Debugging disabled for modules: Platform(0) Network(1) Webserver(2) Move(4) Heat(5) DDA(6) Roland(7) Scanner(8) PrintMonitor(9) Storage(10) PortControl(11) DuetExpansion(12) FilamentSensors(13) WiFi(14) Display(15) LinuxInterface(16) CAN(17) -
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@phaedrux Just to be clear is this warranty for the Panel Due, Duet mini, or both? I had to buy them from different suppliers.
@simwiz We'd like to start with the mini5+. The PanelDue seems to be alright and behaves as expected when connected to USB, etc.
@phaedrux Email sent. Never done warranty with Duet before (first time venturing into the Duet ecosystem). I assume I'll have to ship this one back and then wait for a replacement?
@simwiz said in Fan control and Panel Due 7i stopped working:
I assume I'll have to ship this one back and then wait for a replacement?
It's up to the reseller on how they want to handle that.
@phaedrux It's filastruder. Perhaps I can work out a way they can ship me one on my credit card while I ship the other one back. Would hate to be without the board for multiple weeks.
@phaedrux Hey. I finally got time to get my replacement board installed and it is working well. However, the PanelDue 7i still won't talk to the board via ribbon cable, I ran a M111 S1 P3 (via USB) and no communication is present. Not sure what my next step is?
I did update the screen to 3.4.0-pre1 and the board to 3.4.0-beta3.
Does the PanelDue baud rate in the setup page match your command i config.g? M575 P1 S1 B57600
@phaedrux Yes. I even tried changing baud rates to different options in config.g and the panel. No dice.
Just to eliminate the beta variables, please try with RRF 3.3 and paneldue 3.2.11.
It sounds like the panel is still getting power and lighting up, so it's possible it's just an issue with the data lines on the cable. Please try a newly created 4 wire cable as a test.
@phaedrux Ok, I downgraded my Duet to 3.3 and the PanelDue to 3.2.11. Tried a new 4-pin cable on io_0 and also tried a ribbon cable. Panel lights up and just says connecting still.
For the PanelDue...
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