Duet 3 6HC configure firmware dual Z motors Please Help
; bed.g
; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.2.3 on Mon Mar 08 2021 08:53:31 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G29 ; probe the bed and enable compensation
G28 ;Z home
G30 P0 X75 Y304 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis
G30 P1 X500 Y304 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G30 P0 X50 Y304 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis
G30 P1 X550 Y304 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G28 ; Z home -
on the web interface I hit the button "true Leveling (g32)
and it takes off like it is doing a G29... do I have to change the G29 to a G32? -
it did the maping first and then it did the leveling....lol...
Yeah move the G29 to the end
I am doing my first test print with this machine and everything starts perfectly, I am using Prusa slicer and the part is a small round dimensional calibration pyramid. it does the first layer perfectly and then all of a sudden the BL touch drops the probe and then a what seems to be 20 or 30 seconds the probe lifts, now that the print head is high enough that the probe isn't touching the build plate the probe is not retracting, it is just hanging out there and the red light intermittently flashes. Any ideas
Post the gcode file you're printing. Either there are commands somewhere telling it to deploy the probe, or something is wrong with the BLtouch.
except for an occasional fan speed and feed rate change it is pretty much G1 X(number), Y(number), extrude length. I ran it again today and it seem to do fine for the first 3 layers and then it acts like the BLtouch is trying to do a self test and after a few attempts it stops trying. I added a self test, alarm release, plunger in and out macro so this time I stopped the program and brought the tool head to home position and attempted to do a self test. no response, I pushed the plunger in and attempted a self test again, the plunger cycled out once and stopped faulted. I could not electronically retract the plunger.
It sounds like it's got an intermittent 5v connection and is rebooting the BLtouch.
is the BLtouch subject to EMF or heat related failures? my bed is set to 80C and the wires run through a harness to a junction box that the extruder and fan motors are running out of. I also have the ground wire doubled up going to the BLtouch from my Duet 3 6HC.
What I think might have happened during installation I had the 3.3vdc pin on the digital out (white) wire instead of the #7I/O(in) like it should have been by mistake. -
@supertb1 said in Duet 3 6HC configure firmware dual Z motors Please Help:
What I think might have happened during installation I had the 3.3vdc pin on the digital out (white) wire instead of the #7I/O(in) like it should have been by mistake.
Has that been corrected?
yes, this problem was corrected after the first few minutes of trouble shooting
it just seems like it is solid until I am a few minutes into printing... kind of hard to call it an intermittent 5V.... I suppose I could recheck my terminations again
Intermittent wire connection based on print head position is pretty common.
4.8vdc on the red wire at all times
@supertb1 said in Duet 3 6HC configure firmware dual Z motors Please Help:
It is generally felt that you should not turn your printer on it's side while it is printing.
lol.... well if I turn the printer upside down maybe the BL touch will work better... I have several friends that have many expletive's to describe the BLtouch.... I double checked my wire terminations and everything is solid, there is no movement in the terminations of the BLtouch as everything is in junction boxes. I have proper voltages at all times... i guess the next thing is to bite the bullet and order another BLtouch... at least then I can rule out weather it is something in the the BL touch or if the problem follows... are there any tests I can do to trouble shoot besides ohming ends of wire, voltage checks, BLtouch on board testing... it self calibrates on start up...
Does the BLtouch have a length of wire issue,(resistance) on my machine there is probably 6 or 7 feet of wire between the board and the BLtouch...
Very strange. Testing with another BLtouch would be informative.
Maybe it's picking up noise on the servo signal wires?