Duet Wifi resetting part way through prints
But you get that heater and wifi message on the PanelDue? Those messages come at startup as config.g is read, so it does sound like it is resetting.
Yes, that message comes up on the PanelDue
Well, I never figured out what the issue is, but its something with the board itself, I changed it with another duet I have on a different printer and no problems now.
Supprised, figured I'd get a little more help on this then I did....
Was there possibly anything shorting against the board that is now moved with the new board?
Can you post some photos of the board? Close up and well lit. Maybe we can spot a damaged component.
Is the board new?
No, nothing shorting against the board, it was mounted on 20mm printed stand offs, then I put nylon washers between the board and the screws. So its, screw, nylon washer, board, 20mm 3d printed standoff, mounted to a melamine board.
Bought the board in 2018, but sadly, It was for a project that I had set aside and didn't get back to till about 3 weeks ago, so the board had probally been used less then 50 times total.
The google drive links are private. I can't access it.
Try it now
@Bmilam I can't see anything obvious from the pictures. The only odd thing is that some of the text on the top of the main processor is missing. This could have come off if there was a sticker on it that you took off (and then cleaned with acetone or similar), but may be a sign that the processor has overheated, and may be causing the failures.
M122 still doesn't show anything amiss, other than the board was recently powered on. Swapping the boards isn't conclusive; are you using the same SD card, same firmware version and running the same gcode file? Redoing the wiring may also have removed the issue. If you reformatted and rebuilt the SD card, that may have resolved the issue. You're changing too many parameters to know exactly where the problem is. If you want to find out the exact problem, you'll need to connect the old board and do more troubleshooting.
Bought the board in 2018
Unfortunately, warranty is for 6 months. See https://www.duet3d.com/warranty
Supprised, figured I'd get a little more help on this then I did....
@Phaedrux has been as helpful as he can. You didn't supply much information up front. The M122 responses don't indicate anything, other than the power is turning off. All we can do is offer advice to try and track down where the problem is; we're not in the room with you, and we don't know what's causing the fault either, based on what you're telling us. It's not the sort of fault that happens every day, so requires investigation to answer.
@Bmilam said in Duet Wifi resetting part way through prints:
Last reset 00:17:36 ago, cause: power up
That bit (which is in all your M122 reports) indicates that the Duet reset because there was no power to the microcontroller. Possible reasons include:
- PSU problem. Note, most 12v ATX PSUs need a dummy load on the 5V rail to prevent them form getting over-voltage on the 12V rail and resetting.
- VIN terminal block screws on the Duet not tight
- Something is shorting out or overloading the 5V or 3.3V rail of the Duet. A common cause is endstop switches that are connected to the wrong pins of the endstop connector.
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