Some infill not reaching walls ?
Let me approach this from a different angle:
The current print sequence is:
print inner wall
increase Z one layer
print first line of infill .... this is the line that has a delay in feeding filament
print rest of infill lines
print outer wall (I see a gap in starting with this on occasion)
print inner wall
The issue, a gap in extruded filament, presents itself primarily at the beginning of the first infill line on the new layer level but it can also show up at the very beginning of the wall (mostly outer).
Is there any setting that can delay printing or remove printing somehow ?
I notice there are some settings in the slicer to remove certain segments if they are too small or what-not. Is it possible that I have somehow screwed up one of those (one in several hundred) settings ?
Having said that, the infill line that is missing the beginning maybe 2 mm is maybe 20 mm long so not something that I would consider 'small' -
Unless somebody has a brilliant thought, I am giving up on this issue
I can mitigate things by choosing different infill patterns, modifying the patterns (doubling up lines) and more. The most promising modification is to randomize infill start which guarantees (more or less) that infill lines will connect to the wall at least 50% of the time.I looked at the specific g codes that are involved and I can't see anything wrong with the code. I suspect hardware but I think I have replaced everything that is involved so I am fresh out of ideas.
I have reduced my print speeds a bit as I think I hit volumetric limits with my high (0.8) pa settings. This small change will help me in the long run so my time digging for an answer wasn't for nothing.
Thanks for the help !
@jens55 said in Some infill not reaching walls ?:
increase Z one layer
print first line of infill .... this is the line that has a delay in feeding filament
print rest of infill lines
print outer wall (I see a gap in starting with this on occasion)
print inner wallThis seems like an odd print order to me. I prefer inner wall, outer wall, then infill.
I tried to open the .3mf file but I'm on Cura 4.4 and it crashes as soon as i try. Not sure if it's just because of the version mismatch or what.
Maybe upgrade cura?
Alternatively, try this custom branch of Cura that has a lot of fixes and features that never seem to make it into the main version. I prefer it.
@Phaedrux, I changed the order to better watch what is happening on the infill lines.
I can't run 4.4 ... it worked only until the first time I tried to change printers (I have 2 configured printers) and now it crashes as soon as it starts up, possibly because it starts up on the second printer that I tried to switch to when the whole thing came crashing down.
I flip back and forth and it doesn't do me any good if one configuration crashes things so I decided to stick with 4.3 until 4.4.1 comes out and I can try again.
I will most certainly look at the branch that you linked ! Thanks !I didn't think there was anything worthwhile in 4.4 over 4.3 so it wasn't a priority for me.
In that case, definitely try that linked build. It installs separately to the main cura install with a fresh configuration.
Your crashing is quite likely a corrupted config file. It's happened to me a few times. I've had to torch my complete cura config and start fresh a few times.
Ok, for those of us that had too many of the gray cells in the brain die off from old age .... where in the link you posted can I get the Linux appimage they are talking about <feeling very stupid at this moment>
Duuuhhh, never mind .... found the teeny tiny back arrow <sigh>
Sorry I linked straight to the read me. Oddly though when I open it it goes to the main page with all the download links.
Try that maybe?
Too many eggnogs?
Must be
... Got it downloaded, installed and it started up ok. It even flipped to the second printer without crashing ... wooohoooo
I will try running a print on it tomorrow.
Thanks! -
@jens55 said in Some infill not reaching walls ?:
Must be
... Got it downloaded, installed and it started up ok. It even flipped to the second printer without crashing ... wooohoooo
I will try running a print on it tomorrow.
Thanks!Unfortunately, it does crash when I loaded your .3mf file that you provided on the Cura forum. I have a workaround for that crash so I can make a new build that will load that project OK. I will do that now and put it on Dropbox.
Have you done the checks for extrusion correction and single wall thickness?
Edit: A square single wall shape and measure the wall thickness and comparing it to the slicer targeted wall thickness will identify significant under extrusion. For this test I run the extrusion multiplier at 1, and adjust filament diameter to correct if needed.
Also check coasting, there is no need for that when using PA.
@DocTrucker said in Some infill not reaching walls ?:
Have you done the checks for extrusion correction and single wall thickness?
Something is amiss. On the previous test prints I had excellent surface finish. This time, doing a vase print, I ran into terrible surface finish.
As it happens, I installed a new version of Cura so at this point I am not sure if the issues are related or not. I will have to do some more tests but am unable to do it this morning.Quite honestly, I had not considered under-extrusion because the prints, other than the one or two joints between infill and wall, were very nice. I did recently go to a new filament and never bothered to measure the filament diameter. I now realize that size is a bit of a problem at 1.68 mm which could very well have caused some issues. Even then, it's difficult to see why under-extrusion would cause gaps on only one specific section of a print.
I did notice that on previous prints, the two outside walls were not joined well. That part could easily be explained by under-extrusion but not the gap between infill and wall.Stay tuned for more tests but not right away ....
Oh, coasting is off.
@burtoogle said in Some infill not reaching walls ?:
@jens55 said in Some infill not reaching walls ?:
Must be
... Got it downloaded, installed and it started up ok. It even flipped to the second printer without crashing ... wooohoooo
I will try running a print on it tomorrow.
Thanks!Unfortunately, it does crash when I loaded your .3mf file that you provided on the Cura forum. I have a workaround for that crash so I can make a new build that will load that project OK. I will do that now and put it on Dropbox.
It worked. No more crash.
I backtracked to Cura 4.3 and backtracked some adjustments but no luck. The funny thing is that this issue only shows up on vase mode printing.
You can see proper wall building at the bottom and then it goes to excrement all of a sudden - very odd.
I also tried upping flow to 120% with no difference. I am currently out of ideas why this is happening because I printed in vase mode before with the 0.8 mm nozzle without any issues.Oh, I also reduced the trace width to 0.8 mm because I thought that maybe somehow that could have caused the odd vase print (I had only printed at 0.8 mm for vase mode before)
The sample you see was printed in vase mode, 0.8 mm width and 120% flow. -
OK, I think I am back on track. The issue was too much heat or too short a layer time. It would be interesting to understand why the first 15 or so layers printed fine and then it suddenly went to crap.
Now it's time to make sure extrusion rates are ok and once dialed in then I will reprint the model that was giving me issues.
I get that with PLA if I forget the part cooling fan. The thin wall just gets too hot and goes wobbly.
I did have the fan going but only at 60% and one layer only took 3 or 4 seconds.
The issue of the infill not meeting the wall unfortunately remains.
I tried up to 150% flow rate without the issue going away -
One last stab at this thing ... analyzing the gcode I get 14 mm3/sec extrusion rate with 0.8 mm trace width and 0.4 layer height and the selected speeds. I have PA set to 0.8.
To be on the safe side, I am assuming that the Volcano hot end is good to 20 mm3/sec.
How do I figure out the actual extrusion rate once the PA speed increases are kicking in? Am I likely to exceed the 20 mm3/sec magic number ?
I am getting slower and slower with the printing speed and I would hate to slow down even further just because PA increases the speed at the beginning. I would think that a short term speed increase such as PA needs should not require any de-rating of the printing speed ... but I have no clue .....