@Tinchus said in Duet3 and Expansion board channel / trigger question:
My question is: if Im printing, I guess the main duet3 board will be "busy" handling the printing, si how fast it will be the detection of the sensor connected to IO_3 on the expansion board, will be instantly deteted or I can expect some "delay" beicause the duet3 board is doing the print?
Also: when the triggered is executed, this execution of the .g file will run in parallel with the print or I can have some risk of the print being stopped for a second while executing that trigger and then the gcode will be resumed?
Triggers are pretty much instant, but it will depend on what is being executed at that moment. If it's a single long move, it would normally wait for that gcode command to complete. You can configure it to segment long moves into shorter moves, which would shorten the time to trigger.
At the moment the print would pause while your trigger macro is executed. I believe part of the 3.5 firmware update will introduce multiple gcode streams, but I'm not 100% on how that will play out in practice. Keep an eye out.