Currently you can only see the signal strength when you send the M552 S1 command from a USB host to connect to your access point. It's on my list to make that WiFi status report available at any time.
To the belt drive system, Old PLA…..snap snap snap. Nuff said.
But that belt drive system features a fairly sharp (for filament) bend, perhaps it would work with a much straighter path and longer belts to grip the filament. The idea is sound perhaps the implementation can be improved.
Yes I was thinking about a straight belt like approach just the other day, but I was thinking single sided belt not both sides.
No particular file, same print came out flawless just "before" the failed print. But there was one layer that took roughly 5-8 times as long as it should have, in the successful print. I'm hoping on bad weather this weekend to do the update 😉
They also seem to implement things in strange way's such as firmware retraction they have used deprecated codes for it as far as I can tell it is only Teacup that supports it (Tho the Duet does as well now)
Passive mixing does not work well with hot plastic. Active mixing works but is mechanically difficult.
Thanks for the links Tony. I'd already seen richrap's blog but not the others. I'd probably temper your conclusive comment to something like "passive mixing has not yet been found to work well" because, to the best of my knowledge, there is no fundamental reason why it shouldn't be possible.
You can also add the comments that the firmware needs into your start and/or end gcodes but you'd have to edit them every time you slice something with a different layer height. David will tell you what they are but it'll be something like "; layer_height = n.nn" and maybe some others.