What photo would you like to see? Marlin 2 with & without s-curve or smoothieware vs marlin 2? I'm a bit busy this week but I can set up the firmware and make something during my lunch breaks.

Best posts made by warbunnies
RE: S-curve in marlin 2: seems like a huge quality improvement.
RE: S-curve in marlin 2: seems like a huge quality improvement.
I'll do my best. I've only done video editing once and only have my phone... so I'll probably stick to pictures. But I got the firmware baked at work today so I should be able to make some simple calibration cubes after work. I upped my acceleration to 3000 so it should force the ringing to be more visible. I'm not sure I'll have time to check print times but will definitely try.
RE: S-curve in marlin 2: seems like a huge quality improvement.
Okay I'm doing more testing but I am honestly a bit confused with my initial results...
With an acceleration of 3000:
Turning on the S-curve feature does not seem to do anything. Anything!
The prints are so similar that the camera on my phone cannot pick up any difference & asking friends to blindly rate has produced indeterminate results.Even more perplexing is that both prints took almost exactly the same amount of time. The s-curve was faster by 5 ish seconds over a 1hr50ish min print. If anything I would have assumed it would have been slower because the acceleration is not constant...
They also produced the same amount of noise.
My conclusion is the the marlin firmware (with or without s-curve) is just better than smoothieware. 1400mm/s use to be a hard cap for my printer but the 7000mm/s acceleration im testing now suggests I can tune my printer much higher. I'll let you know if the 7000mm/s produces artifacts worth taking pictures of. I may also try increasing the jerk value to see if it has any effect.
Also my small delta may be a poor candidate to test these features. The effector is less than 100g total & its a relatively small machine 260mm D x 361mm H & overkill structure so there's just nowhere near enough weight moving around to tell if the s-curve is helping. If it was easy to do/ i had more free time, I would stick it on my large delta 325mm D x 680mm H with the added weight of a flying extruder and see if the s-curve helped. If anyone has a heavy effector and some free time, I'd love to see if it does anything.
RE: S-curve in marlin 2: seems like a huge quality improvement.
I actually think I found the issue. The name was recently changed from #define BEZIER_CURVE_SUPPORT to #define S_CURVE_ACCELERATION
& whoever did that missed 1 part of the code that still used #define BEZIER_CURVE_SUPPORT
That's what you get for beta testing. I'm trying the firmware with both defined and should actually be using the s-curve feature.