@dc42 thanks

Posts made by Touchthebitum
RE: 3.5 beta1 print not starting
@dc42 No, my homing process doesn't run G32.
RE: 3.5 beta1 print not starting
@dc42 No, the problem stands when I run a print. Home is ok and then it freezes. PanelDue indicates printing.... I tried your update but it doesn't work.
3.5 beta1 print not starting
After 3.5b1 update, it hangs after home process and print doesn't start...
How to downgrade please ?
Thanks -
RE: 0.8 Nozzle not bad for the first try bt I need your help
I use 0.8 nozzle size too for large prints. I have this problem too but it seems that acceleration may be modified. Be careful with speed because extruder motor has to provide more speed for the print. So try to lower your print speed
RE: Firmware bundle 3.3.0 released
I'm trying to enable Plugin on the new 3.3.0 firmware.
sudo apt install apparmor worked
echo " lsm=apparmor" >> /boot/cmdline.txt give me an error message : -bash: /boot/cmdline.txt: permission deniedI can still activate plugin in DSW
Help please
RE: Duet3 SBC no router
@siam said in Duet3 SBC no router:
If he configures the raspberry pi as an access point it should work
Thanks, hope it will work
Duet3 SBC no router
My friend doesn't have a router in his working place and would like to connect wirelessly to the Duet3 SBC with his laptop. Is it possible ?
Thanks -
RE: Pause/Resume print
I was able to print that piece with this code.
The purpose was to change filament 2 times and modify secondly filament printing settings since they are very different. (PLA and Filaflex). The only missing element is the wait for temperature.
When I press "resume", the carriage doesn't wait for the right temp and goes on printing....Used gcode :
G0 F7200 X139.597 Y135.325
G1 F1500 X139.423 Y135.499 E0.01154
G0 F7200 X139.552 Y134.522
G1 F1500 X138.306 Y135.768 E0.08264
G0 F7200 X137.99 Y135.235
G1 F1500 X138.858 Y134.367 E0.05757
G0 F7200 X138.208 Y134.168
G1 F1500 X138.018 Y134.358 E0.0126
G1 F1800 E-1
G0 F600 X138.018 Y134.358 Z0.6
G0 F7200 X139.78 Y133.717
;TIME_ELAPSED:55.015859M400 ;Wait for buffer to clear
M300 ;Beep
M226 ; Filament Change;LAYER:2
M104 S200.0 T0
M220 S60
M117 Extruder 1 Temp: 200.0, Print Speed: 60, Linear Print Speed: 60, Retract Feed Rate: 2.0, Retract Length: 0.1
G1 F900.0 E1.08315;[CAZO:G1 F1800 E1.08315:CAZO]
G1 F1500.0 X140.278 Y133.671 E0.02345;[CAZO:G1 F3000 X140.278 Y133.671 E0.02345:CAZO]
G1 X140.495 Y133.651 E0.01022
G1 X140.616 Y133.639 E0.0057
G1 X140.519 Y133.898 E0.0065
G1 X140.493 Y134.114 E0.00787
G1 X140.393 Y134.931 E0.0386
G1 X140.409 Y135.224 E0.01376
G1 X140.495 Y135.891 E0.03154 -
RE: Pause/Resume print
The solution was M226 instead of M600.
I had to edit and place M226 at the right layer.
I kepts my pause and resume files and it worked.
Thanks for your help -
RE: Pause/Resume print
it seems not
I can only edit the gcode on dwc -
RE: Pause/Resume print
I copied the last requested modifications (M400/M25):G0 F7200 X119.901 Y137.202
G0 X123.484 Y131.281
G0 X124.451 Y129.87
G0 X125.512 Y128.529
G0 X126.639 Y127.282
G0 X127.866 Y126.092
G0 X129.172 Y124.987
G0 X130.548 Y123.972
G0 X131.989 Y123.051
G0 X133.489 Y122.23
G0 X138.746 Y120.054
G0 X139.123 Y119.677
G1 F1500 X139.672 Y119.552 E0.02789
G1 X142.19 Y119.156 E0.12626
G1 X144.892 Y118.999 E0.13406
G1 X146.137 Y119.026 E0.06168
G0 F7200 X145.873 Y119.084
G1 F1800 E-1
;added code by post processing
;script: ChangeAtHeight.py
;current z: 0.600000
M300 ;Beep
G1 F1800 E1.08315
G1 F1500 X123.597 Y131.358 E0.08025
G1 X122.73 Y132.824 E0.07987
G1 X121.964 Y134.345 E0.07987
G1 X121.3 Y135.914 E0.0799
G1 X120.76 Y137.475 E0.07746
G1 X120.743 Y137.53 E0.0027
G1 X120.308 Y139.122 E0.0774
G1 X119.967 Y140.791 E0.07989
G1 X119.741 Y142.48 E0.07991
G1 X119.629 Y144.179 E0.07985
G1 X119.631 Y145.882 E0.07987