Thanks but that's USA. I've got a whole kit from amazon as I couldn't get them locally.

Posts made by tonyp
RE: Duet2 Wifi JST Crimps
RE: Duet2 Wifi JST Crimps
@dc42 Thanks I ordered some parts. Would have preferred to order from you guys though, might be worth adding to your products
Duet2 Wifi JST Crimps
Hi Guys,
I've lost my pack of crimps for the duet 3d Connectors. Where can I get these from?? They seem much deeper than my standard JST Crimps.
Many thanks
Tony -
RE: Retraction on start of print way to high?
I've got it working fine with Cura... I'll just ditch simplify3d for now.
RE: Retraction on start of print way to high?
Looking at the gCode it's caused by
G1 E-1.0000 F7500
But I can't see why simplify3d is setting it like this, I did have the ender3 profile, but customised the retraction to 1.00mm and 125mm/s
Retraction on start of print way to high?
So I am using Simplify3D setting retraction distance to 1mm speed 125mm (I've heard mixed results between fast and slow, tried them all), using a Titan Areo Extruder. The first layer goes down well, once it's starts...
We have the initial nozzle wipe as part of the gcode but then when it finishes the wipe it retracts a crazy amount so when it goes to start the print it takes ages before it starts printing. any ideas?
Config and gcode posted! Thanks in advanced
0_1562667941776_config.txt 0_1562667945112_First_Layer_Extreme_Test_1.gcode
RE: Nozzle offset with bltouch?
Thanks, I had just went through the doc zeroed the probe, then set the trigger height of 0.140 as tested 5 times I had done it previously without the zeroing :|. I am thinking of offsetting the trigger height to a middle ground of 0.250 as a test since with 0.140 the nozzle is way to far of the bed now.
I've measured by putting the tip onto the bed, then using verniers measure the distance between the bed and the flat base of the BLTouch and that is 8.32 (docs say 8-8.5).
Can you explain the Dive height a little more sorry
They sure are odd, I've converted an Ender 3 into a duet/titan areo direct extruder as per attached photo of the head setup
RE: Nozzle offset with bltouch?
Sure, see attached
0_1559344604658_homez.gAny suggestions welcome, still getting my head around G-Codes.
RE: Nozzle offset with bltouch?
Thanks Paul, I have and Iโve set the trigger height. No difference, driving me a little mad
. I just want to be able to print!
Someone has suggested changing the trigger height to offset the nozzle, but this doesnโt seem natural to me
Nozzle offset with bltouch?
Soo... I've just got round to configuring my duet coming over from marlin. I'm struggling with my bltouch and nozzle offset. Basically the nozzle is scraping the bed. I've set the prop trigger height but as my bltouch mount is printed I suspect I need an offset from the bed to the nozzle? so it goes X below the triggered height? Can you advise on how I determine this and the correct G-Codes to set it?
Print Stopped 70% of the way?
I've had an overnight print on and it was working fine. But it's just stopped, the web UI isn't showing anything and isn't listing the Job Status. I'd say the Duet has rebooted by the looks of it?
What's the best course of action to resume the print?
RE: Duet Web Control 2.0.0-RC6
This is great! I was considering forking and doing a more modern UI.
Will test and write back with any issues
RE: Laser filament monitor
Is there any idea when this will be back in stock by the way?
RE: Duet2 Wifi - Cannot connect to WIFI
Forgive me I am a complete Idiot. I had setup the wrong Wifi Name on the router when I changed it. Sorry guys and thanks!
RE: Duet2 Wifi - Cannot connect to WIFI
Yep via Terminal. I've done the build online as a try and loaded it to the SD Card But then I get:
WiFi module is idle
M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list
okThe M122 Command reports:
WiFi firmware version 1.21
WiFi MAC address cc:50:e3:0d:2b:53
WiFi Vcc 3.38, reset reason Turned on by main processor
WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 19968
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ok -
Duet2 Wifi - Cannot connect to WIFI
I have followed the docs precisely and also forum posts non can seem to help. I'm trying to setup the Duet2 Wifi and it is not accepting my wifi network. I'ts about 1.5M away (Airport Time Capsule on 2.4Ghz).
When I login via screen no problem, it loops horrible on both ubuntu and mac with crazy tabbing. But anyway we connect and then get:
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
WiFi module is idleAfter that I run M115 Command and we see:
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.02(RTOS) ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-12-24b1
Great so far so good. Next I try and setup the WIFI noting this is just basic pw to get Duet to work:
M587 S"OPartridge" P"welcome2017"
We then get:
WiFi module is idle
M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list
Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version
WiFi module is idleIt's not a networt distance issue as I've also tried putting it ontop of the wifi box.
Just in case.. I try to connect anyway:
M552 S1
Nothing still loads of:
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
WiFi module is idleAnyone have any suggestions here? I was hoping I could just configure via JSON or similar.