Thanks, for the input! I will have a closer look tomorrow morning.
Thanks, for the input! I will have a closer look tomorrow morning.
Dear @nhof, thanks for pointing me into the right direktion.
Indeed M569 did the trick.
These settings work fine for me:
M569 P10 S0 R1 T4:4:8:7
M569 P11 S1 R1 T4:4:8:7
The motors are absolutely wicked.
I run them on 24V and on the highest resolution settings- 40.000steps/rev. , which results in 474.8 steps/mm for X and Y. I use HTD3M Belts and 37Tooth Pulleys.
Thank you, that's the Info I needed.
Hello together.
Here is what i am trying to do:
I am developing a Special Tool, which is build around an Arduino taking Measurements.
To sync it up with the Motion precisely my Plan is to use a Step Signal connected to an Interrupt on the Arduino. This way i can calculate the precise location. By assigning it an Axis and setting it to 1Step/mm I can drive it from within Gcode like this to get for Example 10 measurements: G1 U10.
The System is based around the CAN Bus, so it seemed obvious to get a 1XD Board for this.
However now I am not sure how I'd need to connect it.
From the documentation I was under the Impression I could just use an GPIO utilizing the Arduino's Internal Pullup Resistors and connect the Pin to STEP- .
What do you think?
@deckingman ah, i see. Didn't see the comment in the gcode file.
@wilriker Tried it, sadly still no difference
By now i have commented each line of gcode out once to find the source of error, no further improvement since.
I have to overwrite the steps, since i have to remap Z between Drive 5 and 6 with each toolchange, wich works flawlessly btw.
Stupidly additionally to the more complicated settings in duet i have chosen to try 2 differently geared steppers for the two z axis, which is why i have to set Z Steps/mm.
I have added a M92 command at the end of homeall.g to see, if it would change something- it didn't.
@dc42 do you have an idea?
Thanks guys!
(tool select & heatup)
http: T0<\n>
http: M584 Z5<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
http: M92 Z266.65 steps left<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29065 106660<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29065 106660<\n>
http: M116 P0<\n>
http: M120<\n>
http: M83<\n>
http: G1 E20 F3600<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29065 106660<\n>
http: M121<\n>
pr DDA: start=[0.000000 0.000000 109.000862 97.000000] end=[0.000000 0.000000 109.000862 97.000000] s=20.000000 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]<\n>
a=250.000000 d=250.000000 reqv=20.000002 startv=0.000000 topv=20.000002 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=1012500 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=1012500 exac=37500<\n>
DM0: dir=F steps=20 next=1 rev=21 interval=84374 2dtstc2diva=140625006656<\n>
accelStopStep=1 decelStartStep=20 2c2mmsda=7031250000 2c2mmsdd=7031250000<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=47999996 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
Hi, Thanks
Indeed the M667 is before M584 in my congig. i think theres a bug in the reprap configuration tool, since it was paced there by it.
I changed it.
What i have build is a machine with 2 printheads, wich are moved up and down on seperate Z axis. The table moves in X and Y below them. There is a similar design called zidex, you can see it on youtube.
I now have the debug log and it turns out, that the Steps/mm get confused. Before the homeall routine planned steps for a couple mm Filament are in this case 16000 stepps planned. After it 20! This also explains, why the motor is "enabled" but doesn't run as stated in the first post.
I leave the log for you down below.
@deckingman what do you mean, my firmware version is really old? 2.04 RC4 was just released 12 days ago?
Board Info (M115)
serial: M115<\n>
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.04RC4 ELECTRONICS: Duet Ethernet 1.02 or later + DueX5 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-10-19b1<\n>
http: G10 P0 S220<\n>
http: T0<\n>
Heater 1 switched on<\n>
http: M120<\n>
http: M83<\n>
http: G1 E20 F3600<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to 0 0 0 0<\n>
http: M121<\n>
pr DDA: start=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000] end=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000] s=20.000000 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]<\n>
a=250.000000 d=250.000000 reqv=20.000002 startv=0.000000 topv=20.000002 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=1012500 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=1012500 exac=37500<\n>
DM0: dir=F steps=16000 next=1 rev=16001 interval=2964 2dtstc2diva=140625006656<\n>
accelStopStep=641 decelStartStep=15361 2c2mmsda=8789062 2c2mmsdd=8789062<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=59999 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
http: G28<\n>
http: G91 <\n>
http: M98 P"homez.g"<\n>
http: T-1 P0<\n>
http: M584 Z5 U6<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to 0 0 0 0<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to 0 0 0 0<\n>
http: M92 Z274.8969 U1099.5876<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to 0 0 0 0<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to 0 0 0 0<\n>
http: G91 <\n>
http: G1 S1 Z150 U150 F1800 <\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 to 0 0 41235 164938<\n>
pr DDA: s=212.132034 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.707107 0.707107 0.000000]<\n>
a=707.106812 d=707.106812 reqv=30.000002 startv=0.000000 topv=30.000002 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=6668900 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=6668899 exac=19887<\n>
DMU: dir=F steps=164938 next=1 rev=164939 interval=1788 2dtstc2diva=527343679108<\n>
accelStopStep=495 decelStartStep=164444 2c2mmsda=3197223 2c2mmsdd=3197223<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=41156 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMZ: dir=F steps=41235 next=1 rev=41236 interval=3576 2dtstc2diva=527343679108<\n>
accelStopStep=124 decelStartStep=41112 2c2mmsda=12788740 2c2mmsdd=12788740<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=164622 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
Forward transformed 0 0 29964 to 0.00 0.00 109.00<\n>
http: G1 Z-10 U-10 F1800<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 99.00 87.00 to 0 0 27215 95664<\n>
http: G1 S1 Z15 U15 F600<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 114.00 102.00 to 0 0 31338 112158<\n>
pr DDA: start=[0.000000 0.000000 109.000862 97.000000] end=[0.000000 0.000000 99.000862 87.000000] s=14.142136 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -0.707107 -0.707107 0.000000]<\n>
a=707.106750 d=707.106750 reqv=30.000000 startv=0.000000 topv=30.000000 endv=0.141421<\n>
cks=481529 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=481716 exac=19887<\n>
DMU: dir=B steps=10996 next=1 rev=10997 interval=1788 2dtstc2diva=35156225668<\n>
accelStopStep=495 decelStartStep=10502 2c2mmsda=3197185 2c2mmsdd=3197185<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=41155 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMZ: dir=B steps=2749 next=1 rev=2750 interval=3576 2dtstc2diva=35156225668<\n>
accelStopStep=124 decelStartStep=2626 2c2mmsda=12788742 2c2mmsdd=12788742<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=164622 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
Forward transformed 0 0 29964 to 0.00 0.00 109.00<\n>
pr DDA: s=21.213203 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.707107 0.707107 0.000000]<\n>
a=707.106812 d=707.106812 reqv=10.000001 startv=0.141421 topv=10.000001 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=2001809 sstcda=187 tstcddpdsc=2001809 exac=6442<\n>
DMU: dir=F steps=16494 next=1 rev=16495 interval=1610 2dtstc2diva=52734364516<\n>
accelStopStep=55 decelStartStep=16440 2c2mmsda=3197185 2c2mmsdd=3197185<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=123467 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMZ: dir=F steps=4123 next=1 rev=4124 interval=3394 2dtstc2diva=52734364516<\n>
accelStopStep=14 decelStartStep=4110 2c2mmsda=12790292 2c2mmsdd=12790292<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=493928 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
Forward transformed 0 0 29964 to 0.00 0.00 109.00<\n>
http: M584 X10 Y11 Z5:6 E3:4<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
http: M92 Z274.8969 E800:800<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
Transformed 0.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 0 29964 106660<\n>
http: G90<\n>
http: G1 S1 X-600 Y-400 F4000 <\n>
Transformed -600.00 -400.00 109.00 97.00 to -474800 -94960 29964 106660<\n>
pr DDA: s=721.110229 vec=[-0.832050 -0.554700 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=6489.992676 d=6489.992676 reqv=66.666672 startv=0.000000 topv=66.666672 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=10150242 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=10150242 exac=4815<\n>
DMX: dir=B steps=474800 next=1 rev=474801 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=195312471428<\n>
accelStopStep=226 decelStartStep=474575 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=21870 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMY: dir=B steps=94960 next=1 rev=94961 interval=1434 2dtstc2diva=195312471428<\n>
accelStopStep=46 decelStartStep=94915 2c2mmsda=2056786 2c2mmsdd=2056786<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=109351 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
http: G1 S1 X-600 <\n>
Transformed -600.00 0.00 109.00 97.00 to -284880 -284880 29964 106660<\n>
pr DDA: s=600.000000 vec=[-1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=9000.000000 d=9000.000000 reqv=66.666672 startv=0.000000 topv=66.666672 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=8444444 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=8444444 exac=3472<\n>
DMY: dir=B steps=284880 next=1 rev=284881 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=117187503104<\n>
accelStopStep=118 decelStartStep=284763 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=30328 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMX: dir=B steps=284880 next=1 rev=284881 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=117187503104<\n>
accelStopStep=118 decelStartStep=284763 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=30328 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
http: G1 S1 Y-400 <\n>
Transformed 0.00 -400.00 109.00 97.00 to -189920 189920 29964 106660<\n>
pr DDA: s=400.000000 vec=[0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=9000.000000 d=9000.000000 reqv=66.666672 startv=0.000000 topv=66.666672 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=5631944 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=5631943 exac=3472<\n>
DMY: dir=F steps=189920 next=1 rev=189921 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=78124991488<\n>
accelStopStep=118 decelStartStep=189803 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=30328 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMX: dir=B steps=189920 next=1 rev=189921 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=78124991488<\n>
accelStopStep=118 decelStartStep=189803 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=30328 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
http: G1 X5 Y5 F4000 <\n>
Transformed 5.00 5.00 109.00 97.00 to 4748 0 29964 106660<\n>
http: G1 S1 X-10 F500 <\n>
Transformed -5.00 5.00 109.00 97.00 to 0 -4748 29964 106660<\n>
pr DDA: start=[-0.000000 -0.000000 109.000862 97.000000] end=[5.000000 5.000000 109.000862 97.000000] s=7.071068 vec=[0.707107 0.707107 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=6363.960449 d=6363.960449 reqv=66.666664 startv=0.000000 topv=66.666664 endv=2.928932<\n>
cks=108835 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=109266 exac=4910<\n>
DMX: dir=F steps=4748 next=1 rev=4749 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=1953293072<\n>
accelStopStep=235 decelStartStep=4514 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=21445 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
pr DDA: s=10.000000 vec=[-1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=9000.000000 d=9000.000000 reqv=8.333334 startv=2.928932 topv=8.333334 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=1125616 sstcda=305 tstcddpdsc=1125616 exac=182<\n>
DMY: dir=B steps=4748 next=1 rev=4749 interval=405 2dtstc2diva=1953124880<\n>
accelStopStep=2 decelStartStep=4747 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=242628 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMX: dir=B steps=4748 next=1 rev=4749 interval=405 2dtstc2diva=1953124880<\n>
accelStopStep=2 decelStartStep=4747 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=242628 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
http: G1 S1 Y-10 <\n>
Transformed 0.00 -5.00 109.00 97.00 to -2374 2374 29964 106660<\n>
pr DDA: s=10.000000 vec=[0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]<\n>
a=9000.000000 d=9000.000000 reqv=8.333334 startv=0.000000 topv=8.333334 endv=0.000000<\n>
cks=1125868 sstcda=0 tstcddpdsc=1125867 exac=434<\n>
DMY: dir=F steps=4748 next=1 rev=4749 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=1953124880<\n>
accelStopStep=2 decelStartStep=4747 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=242628 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
DMX: dir=B steps=4748 next=1 rev=4749 interval=641 2dtstc2diva=1953124880<\n>
accelStopStep=2 decelStartStep=4747 2c2mmsda=411357 2c2mmsdd=411357<\n>
mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=242628 fmsdmtstdca2=0 cc=0 acc=0<\n>
thanks for your suggestions.
@aidar sadly this didn't do any difference. Still Thanks for your input.
As i stated in the comment i didn't set E originally. I added it to narrow down the issue. But no difference.
My config is as follows.
; Configuration file for Duet WiFi (firmware version 1.21)
; executed by the firmware on start-up
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Wed Jul 24 2019 11:33:21 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)
; General preferences
G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves
M667 S1 ; Select CoreXY mode
; Network
M550 P"Peter" ; Set machine name
;M551 P"rep" ; Set password
M552 P10.13.12.11 S1 ; Enable network and set IP address
M553 P255.255.255.0 ; Set netmask
M554 P10.13.12.10 ; Set gateway
M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP
M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet
; Drives
;M569 P1 S1
;M569 P2 S1
M569 P3 S0 ; E0Physical drive 3 goes forwards
M569 P4 S0 ; E1
M569 P5 S0 ; Z0 Physical drive 5 goes forwards
M569 P6 S1 ; Z1 Physical drive 6 goes forwards
;M569 P7 S1
;M569 P8 S1
;M569 P9 S1
M569 P10 S0 R1 T4:4:8:7 ; Servo1 Physical drive goes forwards
M569 P11 S1 R1 T4:4:8:7 ; Servo2 Physical drive goes forwards
M584 X10 Y11 Z5 E3:4 U6 ; ; Apply custom drive mapping
;M350 X1 Y1 I0 ; Configure microstepping without interpolation
M350 Z16 E16:16 U16 I1 ;W16 A16 Configure microstepping with interpolation
M92 X474.8 Y474.8 Z266.65 U1099.5876 E800.00:800.00 ; Set steps per mm948.16
M566 X300.00 Y300.00 Z12.00 E120.00:120 U12 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X18000.00 Y18000.00 Z1500.00 E1200.00:1200 U1500 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X9000.00 Y9000.00 Z500.00 E250.00:250 U500 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 Z1900.00 E1580:1580 U1900 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent
M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout
; Axis Limits
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 U0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X445 Y200 Z109,9 U97 S0 ; Set axis maxima
; Endstops
M574 X1 Y1 Z2 U2 S1 ; Set active high endstops
; Z-Probe
M558 P0 H5 F120 T6000 ; Disable Z probe but set dive height, probe speed and travel speed
M557 X15:10 Y15:195 S20 ; Define mesh grid
; Heaters
M140 H-1 ; Disable heated bed
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1
M143 H1 S260 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280C
M305 P2 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 2
M143 H2 S260 ; Set temperature limit for heater 2 to 280C
; Fans
M106 P0 S0 I0 F1 H-1 T45 ; Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P1 S0 I0 F1 H-1 T45 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P2 S1 I0 F1 H1 T5 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P3 S1 I0 F1 H2 T45 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P4 S0 I0 F1 H-1 B0.3 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P5 S0 I0 F1 H-1 B0.3
M106 P6 S0 I0 F1 H-1 B0.3
M106 P7 S0 I0 F1 H-1 B0.3
M106 P8 S0 I0 F1 H-1 B0.3
; Tools
M563 P0 D0 H1 F0 ; Define tool 0
G10 P0 X-265 Y-35 Z0 ; Set tool 0 axis offsets
G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C
M563 P1 D1 H2 ; Define tool 1
G10 P1 X-150 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 1 axis offsets
G10 P1 R0 S0
; Automatic saving after power loss is not enabled
; Custom settings are not configured
as i said. Everything works, including both tool Extruders.
I tested a bit further, and as it turns out, the Extruder settings survive homez.g when i set G90 after the M92 command.
Now it survives it, when i First home z, then x& Y whith seperate Gcodes. G28 Z, G28 X, G28 Y; but not when i first home x and Y and also not G28...
I don't get it.
Thanks for your help.
I have a setup with two Printheads, which are mounted on seperate z Axis.
When toolchanging i want to move the printhead away. I have tool Change Scripts which rewire the Drives to the Z Axis. Everything works, except, after i run homeall.g the Extruder drive doesn't work anymore. It is enabled, but it doesn't turn.
; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
G91 ; relative positioning
M98 P"homez.g"
G1 S1 X-600 Y-400 F4000 ; move quickly to X or Y endstop and stop there (first pass)
G1 S1 X-600 ; home X axis
G1 S1 Y-400 ; home Y axis
G1 X5 Y5 F4000 ; go back a few mm
G1 S1 X-10 F500 ; move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass)
G1 S1 Y-10 ; then move slowly to Y axis endstop
G90 ; absolute positioning
I commented every Gcode out, to find, which is confusing the E Settings. It seems to be M98 P"homez.g", but when i run homez seperately everything works fine.
; homez.g
; called to home the Z axis
T-1 P0
M584 Z5 U6
M92 Z274.8969 U1099.5876 ;different Steps/mm since these are 2 different motors
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 S1 Z150 U150 F1800 ; move Z up until the endstop is triggered
G1 Z-10 U-10 F1800
G1 S1 Z15 U15 F600
M584 Z5:6 E3:4
M92 Z274.8969 E800:800 ; originally i didn't set E Steps here, i added them to try to find the error, but no difference
Do you guys have an idea, what could disrupt the Extruder settings when i call the homeall.g file?
Im running 2.04RC4 on duet2+duex5
Thanks in advance.
Cheers Alex
Dear @nhof, thanks for pointing me into the right direktion.
Indeed M569 did the trick.
These settings work fine for me:
M569 P10 S0 R1 T4:4:8:7
M569 P11 S1 R1 T4:4:8:7
The motors are absolutely wicked.
I run them on 24V and on the highest resolution settings- 40.000steps/rev. , which results in 474.8 steps/mm for X and Y. I use HTD3M Belts and 37Tooth Pulleys.
Thanks, for the input! I will have a closer look tomorrow morning.
I am in the process of building a industrial 3D Printer and planned to use JMC Servos for the movement of the X and Y Axis.
The Printer is build with CoreXY. In my configuration i have a Duet Ethernet with the Duet5X Extension and connected the Servo motors to the LCD Con Pins useing the Duet Breakout Expansion Board for Level shifting.
This configuration works. I can move all the axis with "normal" steppers and also the servo driven X and Y axis. But when printing i have issues of loosing steps in X and Y.
I am quite sertain, that this is not a mechanical issue here. Instead i think either the Servo Controller is "forgetting" its position (which shouldn'nt be possible.. i mean thats the point of useing servos, right?) , the communication is bad or maybe the Duet has a software bug when useing external drivers.
Here is what the prints look like:
The printed object is a little cylinder that is about 8mm in diameter and should be a couple mm high. The outer ring resembles skirt.
I tried different accelerations to see, if maybe the Servos couldn't keep up.
The uppermost one is printed with accelerations set to 3000mm/s2,
The middleone with 2000mm/s2
the lower one with 200mm/s2.
So as you can see it gets worse with lower accelerations.
For me it looked like it lost position each time the XY Movement stopped
, for example after one ring of Skirt was finished, the printhead stops and moves a bit for the next ring, also when the layer is changed, it also shifts quite a bit.
Also you can clearly see, that the skirt is not round, which is the fault of the servos PID control i guess.
At this point i am a bit confused, how i should proceed.
Has somebody used the LCD_Con pins to drive external steppers, and did it work properly?
Do you have ideas, how i should proceed, the find out, which part of the machine is responsible for the lost steps?
Thanks a lot