@jamesarm97 said in #Solved G30 XY position and probe offset (G31)?:
I pretty much have the same question. I have a X probe offset of -23mm and have that entered in the probe configuration. I would expect based on some other firmware testing that issuing a probe command would take the offset into consideration on the x / y points to probe. For example, I wanted to probe at 0,0. The nozzle moves to 0,0 and tries to probe which will fail because the probe is hanging off the bed by -23mm. So when I created the mesh map, I had to take that into account and skew all my x numbers by the offset. Where is the probe X offset actually used? I do not think I have run a G29 with non-adjusted numbers because I didn't want to crash the bed so I don't really know if I give a coord like X150, Y150 if it will end up moving to X173 (since it has to account for the -23 offset).
Probably best to create your own thread and share your actual config files and printer details. There could be any number of things contributing to what you're seeing. If we can see your actual gcode being used we have a much better idea of what is actually happening.