@rcarlyle , @dc42
Thanks a lot to both of you fort your thorough answers.
(I feel, I owe you the complete story: At the moment my printer is running on smoothie and I'm thinking about changing to duet, provided that the duet solution is flexible enough to help me along. Your replies convinced me, that it is the right step to do, because of the solution and this forum support.)
I came from an E3D V6 and with 30°C room temperature I got heatcreap caused extrusion problems. That made me try the water cooling, taking my existing E3D V6 heatblock etc.
Compared to the air cooled results the water cooled results were not that good: much more Z banding etc.
Because the inner temperature of the air cooled solution runs 10 to 20° warmer within the cold end, I thought: maybe it's not a good idea to pump that much heat away from the hotend and better run the cold end 10 to 20° warmer.
Excellent advice. I will a least put in another mosfet to make the onboard one save.
Understood. PIDing the pump is not the solution. I have the pump at an laboratory power supply at the moment and will do some more temperature measurements and test prints. Based on that I wil decide wether to control pump and/or heater bang bang or proportional (@dc42 I did not even know that this option exists).
Meanwhile I'll order the board.
Thanks a lot again, guys!