I have been all through the mechanics of this machine while I am waiting for bits to improve things and belts are tight and everything is as solid as can be expected with the exception of the bed which as its only held badly in the center and has a flimsy mounting plate that has compliance that gets worse the further from the centre you move. the X carriage was also never designed to handle the additional weight of the direct drive extruder and the bottom wheel mount not only flexes but bends out of shape over time.
0_1536824805458_carriage mount.jpg
to be fair the standard head with bowden is so light that this would not have been an issue so I don't blame the machine but until I get the parts to try and correct this its what I have to work with.
whilst I can tighten things up by the end of a print (or sooner) the weight has deformed the tang that the wheel bolts to and I have to disassemble it straighten it out and start again. this is obviously less than ideal and wont work for long as the tang will fatigue but hopefully long enough to print the parts I will need for the alterations.
yes there is clear ringing on the X and Y faces, on the bottom gaps from under extrusion and other artifacts on all sides. I think Phaedrux is on the right track and I messed up the speeds.
since I am gaining quite a collection here are all of the faces
cube faces.jpg
I think the bottom face cube its the last one I printed with more normal settings and I will give your numbers a try next. now you mention it I think I upped the perimeters to 4 to see if that would help which it didn't so I will set that back to 2
I am looking forward to playing with the settings more once I have the mechanical problems sorted out but while the machine is so loose I am conscious that it will be difficult to know which settings are making real differences and what is just the result of poor mechanics.(especially for a novice like me)
My plan is to go for "good enough" and design / find the parts I need and print them. once I complete the repairs and get the machine a bit more dialled in I can then reprint the parts if I am not happy with them.