Im using an E3D Chimera, which is 2 individual tools. But thats beside the point as the problem here is the implementation of the tool change files and incompatibility with a Delta based printer workflow.
I already replied illustrating with the showstopper when trying to use the tool change files:
when (not during print) selecting tools to manually pre-heat (or load filament etc) it applies whats in the tool change files, which is super annoying if you put in Extrude/Retract steps as it just does them when stationary, at the wrong temps and messed things up.
it also tries to move of course if you have a move to XY command, again when you dont want it to do that, when selecting manually and this leads to (sensing the loop here?):
even more contradictory, if you have a move command in those files, and they get invoked when at home, it will still generate the error ""G1/G0: target position not reachable.." and then zero the temps you were trying to set!
The tool change files are non-functional as a solution on a delta printer as it will always be outside the limit when in the Z-max part position (ie home, before a print).
The elegant way of doing this was with Toolchange scripts in S3D, but for reasons that have not been answered, when starting Gcode with these scripts in it, it errors out Immediately as is if its trying to invoke the command from the home position, not actually when it needs to do so.
As noted, a way of just suppressing/removing this safety feature would mitigate this.