Alright, an update and progress. I tried two smaller half height Nema17 steppers from my junk box. I also isolated a piece of movement from the actual print Gcode and made it into a macro. This was the most "offending" section, the last two fast extrusions back to back.
G0 F2500
G1 X39.245 Y28.111 E12.53808
G1 X38.845 Y30.238 E.65933
G1 X11.598 Y57.486 E11.7389
G1 X39.245 Y28.111 E12.53808
This piece of GCode causes stalls on both the full size, high torque Stepper motors (the Wantai and the StepperOnline), Ie both fail, no matter the current (amps).
Conversely both the smaller Steppers could complete it with the following settings:
Working with 17HS3001-C5X (without gearbox, so its now a low torque direct motor)
M906 X1250 Y1250 Z1250 E1615 I25
Working with unnamed (it literally only has "XY" written on it) half height stepper
M906 X1250 Y1250 Z1250 E1545 I25
So basically the cheap ass, no name small Stepper works the best in this scenario. Im going to look for a better option online, annoyingly not mentioned in the Zesty Manuals but is on their old product page is a specific recommendation: https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/nema-17-bipolar-1-8deg-16ncm-22-6oz-in-1a-3-7v-42x42x20mm-4-wires-17hs08-1004s