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Posts made by kingfisher
RE: RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
I actually think it might be my Duet wifi board causing an error. I've also got a duet maestro and running the same python settings on the maestro IP address hasn't resulted in the "('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))" error -
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
I've set it up and it works
I did get an error on a small print doing a quick test though
The error was "requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))"
My guess (Although I'm not a Python expert) is that the pi couldn't keep up saving the images as the layers were only taking 20sec (And its an old V2 pi)
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
Thanks for sharing I. I'll try installing this in whilst in lockdown.
I had an idea to use a pi remotely to control RGB LEDs based on the printer status. (eg red = heating, white = printing, green = finished)
I might try and learn how to do this based on your code/logic -
RE: Replacement Magnets for BuildTak FlexPlate?
I use a magnetic sheet on my bed with a flex plate.
It started out as a temporary solution, but it's been working well and fairly cheap so it's still in place and I've never got round to adding proper magnets -
RE: To springsteel or not to springsteel? Removeable heated bed
I have a couple of these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000145002586.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.aff14c4dDnCFRA
I'm very happy with them so far, however even though its spring steel it will still move/flex if only held on by clips. I tried this first before moving to magnetic sticker sheet as a temp solution (It might lose magnetic strength due to the heat over time, but a month in its holding up well)
if/when that fails I'll look at adding permanent magnets under the bed
RE: Magic Mirror Module
Thanks I just added it, (But I've only tested the idle state this evening)
I'll try and add a second printer next week. -
RE: Magic Mirror Module
Thanks - Looks clean and simple
I'll add this to my magic mirror over the weekend and let you know if I have any issues. -
RE: Bed and hotend not heating @ the same time
Do you have an M190 in your start g-code?
RE: 12864 LCD Maestro set up : Daig LED lights up and board resets
@dc42 The new LCD arrived today and the pins on the new board were in the above orientation when I tested it with the meter, I plugged it in and it works perfectly
I think the old one was an MKS one from Ailexpress and as you suspected the pins were rotated.
It might be worth adding a warning on the wiki ensure others don't have the same issues (But in my case no long term damage was done)
Thanks again for the support in solving the issue
RE: 12864 LCD Maestro set up : Daig LED lights up and board resets
@dc42 Thanks, using my limited electrical skills I have used the continuity test mode on my meter on the LCD board. The Beep pin is in the expected position for the buzzer, but on exp2 reset_ext its rotated 180 degrees (eg Pin 3 of P1 EXP2)
I've ordered a new board on Prime as they are fairly cheap - I'll compare the two before installing.
RE: 12864 LCD Maestro set up : Daig LED lights up and board resets
I double checked that exp1 = exp1
I remember from my smoothieware days that some MKS based boards had the connectors swapped 180 degs. I'll have a search around.
Is there an easy way to check the pin layout of the LCD vs the Duet? -
12864 LCD Maestro set up : Daig LED lights up and board resets
I’ve been trying to install an old 12864 panel I had lying around on my Maestro
I’ve added M918 P1 E2 to my Config
And connected the 2 ribbon cables
The LCD panel doesn't light up (It appears the board version I have has the pedometer hidden so this might be an issue?)
But when I turn the encoder the “LED diag” on the main board lights up and if I go too fast the board resets?
I’ve unplugged the LCD & rebooted and it appears that everything still appears to work OK.
Can someone confirm the LED daig should light up when the encoder moves and are there any other steps I need to take to get this working
FYI I only currently have one file with text R3 C5 F1 T"Duet Maestro Self-Test" in 0:/menu/main atm
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro
Firmware Electronics: Duet Maestro 1.0
Firmware Version: 2.02RC5(RTOS) (2018-11-28b1)
Web Interface Version: 1.22.5Thanks in advance
RE: Maestro Servo Wiring
Thanks. It is working, with some fine-tuning it should be up and running over the weekend
RE: Maestro Servo Wiring
@dc42 Thanks. I was going to go with the 5v Pin on the endstop, I'm going to use the 5 pin conector which should avoid shorting the 3.3 & 5V pins in this area.
Maestro Servo Wiring
I'm going use a BFPTouch (AKA: Servo & Optical Endstop: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2890290) for my Z probe
Can I just check the wiring before I do anything stupid.
I then assume I just use P64 in my M280 (As pin 11 / SERVO = P64)
Thanks in advance
RE: Running Prusa MK3 with Duet 2 Wifi
If you can set up Klipper you will have no problem setting up a Duet.
I'm currently building a bear with all my spare parts (It's going to use Klipper while I save up for a new Duet) -
RE: Triangle Labs 3D Touch, 240ohm?Wiring?
@veti Thanks, just ordered a clone, but I've got all the parts to make this
RE: Duet hardware actually makes it into Thomas Salanderer's videos
The news has also reached Reddit.
Do you have any idea of the UK price yet? -
RE: UK Supplier 1.75mm black PLA ?
For a budget filament, I'm a fan of 3D Prima PrimaValue PLA Filament on Amazon. But the price has increased slightly recently.
I also love RigidInk, its a quality filament at a premuim price (You get what you pay for)