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Latest posts made by kingfisher
RE: RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
I actually think it might be my Duet wifi board causing an error. I've also got a duet maestro and running the same python settings on the maestro IP address hasn't resulted in the "('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))" error -
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
I've set it up and it works
I did get an error on a small print doing a quick test though
The error was "requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))"
My guess (Although I'm not a Python expert) is that the pi couldn't keep up saving the images as the layers were only taking 20sec (And its an old V2 pi)
RE: DuetLapse available for Alpha testing
Thanks for sharing I. I'll try installing this in whilst in lockdown.
I had an idea to use a pi remotely to control RGB LEDs based on the printer status. (eg red = heating, white = printing, green = finished)
I might try and learn how to do this based on your code/logic -
RE: Replacement Magnets for BuildTak FlexPlate?
I use a magnetic sheet on my bed with a flex plate.
It started out as a temporary solution, but it's been working well and fairly cheap so it's still in place and I've never got round to adding proper magnets -
RE: To springsteel or not to springsteel? Removeable heated bed
I have a couple of these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000145002586.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.aff14c4dDnCFRA
I'm very happy with them so far, however even though its spring steel it will still move/flex if only held on by clips. I tried this first before moving to magnetic sticker sheet as a temp solution (It might lose magnetic strength due to the heat over time, but a month in its holding up well)
if/when that fails I'll look at adding permanent magnets under the bed
RE: Magic Mirror Module
Thanks I just added it, (But I've only tested the idle state this evening)
I'll try and add a second printer next week. -
RE: Magic Mirror Module
Thanks - Looks clean and simple
I'll add this to my magic mirror over the weekend and let you know if I have any issues. -
RE: Bed and hotend not heating @ the same time
Do you have an M190 in your start g-code?
RE: 12864 LCD Maestro set up : Daig LED lights up and board resets
@dc42 The new LCD arrived today and the pins on the new board were in the above orientation when I tested it with the meter, I plugged it in and it works perfectly
I think the old one was an MKS one from Ailexpress and as you suspected the pins were rotated.
It might be worth adding a warning on the wiki ensure others don't have the same issues (But in my case no long term damage was done)
Thanks again for the support in solving the issue