@theruttmeister thanks for the feedback, I tried that already it won’t show up in the UI unless you assign it a extruder drive which just gets messy. Your also right about the UI not allowing for multiples CH’s, when I tired that it confuses the UI and decides to not display anything. An option to add visible thermostats/humidistat like the chamber heater to the UI could open many new options like filament heating/dehumidification, multi-stage heating, chillers, or hepa / exhaust ventilation.

Best posts made by JPS0284
RE: Help with adding a second chamber heater to DWC?
RE: High Temperature printing
High heat printer builds are like putting out small fires everywhere. As soon as you get a handle on something, something else comes into play. EVERYTHING starts to matter when you start building up that kind of heat. I just tested out my high heat version 3.0 today which went surprisingly well.
This is my work in progress, I built the enclosure out of aluminum on top of a old stainless toolbox my father-in-law gave me, the enclosure's 24 x 24 x 36. It has a 1400W heater/fan combo I found on amazon for $30 originally for a gas fireplace. Everything's insulated and sealed with fire-foam or high heat silicone. The setup utilizes a main return duct at the top of the enclosure used to recirculate the air, it maxes out at roughly 120C. Insides a Ender 5 that I Frankensteined into a core xy running a BMGX2-M w/ mosquito liquids, you can almost cook an egg on the extruder steppers...Its been a fun project but I feel like I got more wrapped up into the challenge of getting it there than anything. Any questions feel free to reach out.
RE: Thermistor help on new duex5 upgrade.
Solved, put an end on a old thermistor and its registering temp on the Duex board, time to tear it all back apart again! ::facetious::YAY!
Latest posts made by JPS0284
RE: New heated enclosure printer
@coseng @coseng I mostly print Polycarbonate, CFPC, High temp CF nylon, CF PEI. Im constantly tweaking my machine and after I switched from dual z lead screws to 1204 ball screws with more ridged build plate and a ceramic glass bed, once I leveled it with the feeler gauges the bl touch really doesn't offer much other than act as a fancy end stop. It also seemed like there was some
Inconsistencies with the measurement read outs at times, when I relied on the accuracy of the bl touch is when I seemed to have more time diagnosing layer height issues than doing it manually. -
RE: New heated enclosure printer
@jens55 I run a custom built chilled liquid cooled core-xy machine in a heated chamber with a BL-touch in 100-150C all the time with no issues. I recently upgraded to a 6mm ceramic glass bed from borosilicate, and the ceramic glass has a near perfect uniformity I don’t bother with the mesh bed leveling anymore. I started using feeler gauges between the nozzle and glass on the 4 bed adjusters and it’s been incredibly consistent first layers/line widths. So depending on how you setup your machine it might now be worth the 40 dollars for a fancy end stop.
RE: Control the E3D Water Cooling System via a FAN Port
My previous setup was comparable to what your describing but used a 360 radiator (3x120mm 12v fans) running thermostatically off Tool 0 linked to the PWM 12/24 pins of my duex5. The pump (24v) was also thermostatically controlled running off Fan2 of the duet linked to Tool0. That configuration caused a few issues, one being I kept forgetting to enable part cooling in the slicer settings and the other was with varying the frequency of the pump. Since I'm typically printing high temp filaments (nylon, pc, pei) I ended up just moving the pump to run off Fan0 (continuous 24v). I'd recommend adding a water flow hall sensor off an endstop to trigger a fault halting the printer. If I'm remembering correctly the e3d cooler is a 80mm radiator setup, which isn't bad if your only interested in cooling the hot end but for nearly the same price you can piecemeal a better setup off amazon. I picked up a 360 cooler for >40$, 24v pump 25-ish, 40mm waterblocks 2 for 10 bucks. IMO from experience, your better off sourcing out individual components rather than some integrated system for future expansion possibilities. I've since replaced my 360 cooler with a homemade chiller setup, went from a 90 100F return temp to a consistent 60F. My steppers are much happier now.
RE: Help with adding a second chamber heater to DWC?
@theruttmeister thanks for the feedback, I tried that already it won’t show up in the UI unless you assign it a extruder drive which just gets messy. Your also right about the UI not allowing for multiples CH’s, when I tired that it confuses the UI and decides to not display anything. An option to add visible thermostats/humidistat like the chamber heater to the UI could open many new options like filament heating/dehumidification, multi-stage heating, chillers, or hepa / exhaust ventilation.
RE: Help with adding a second chamber heater to DWC?
@Phaedrux The way I see it is the"chamber heater" option is nothing more than just a thermostat you can monitor through the UI. It could just as easily be configured to air condition the chamber or anything else temperature sensitive that can run off a SSR and satisfy a thermistor. In my case of adding a second CH my "chamber" is the return side of my chiller sump where the thermistor monitors the returning water temperature. IMO it would be more useful to have an option in the RRF Config Tool to add a thermostat(s) which displays in the UI in the same way as the chamber heater allowing for better set point monitoring / safety controls. My chiller runs well off a remote thermostat but when something fails (pump failure, loss of power, etc) while the printers running at 300+C in a 150C, all my steppers have individual water blocks, yeah... things could get ugly quick.
Help / thoughts on how to implement a second chamber heater
My apologies if this is posted in the wrong category but I’m here to inquire about how difficult would it be to alter the firmware code to allow the use of a second chamber heater for someone who knows only enough to be dangerous?
The problem: Im currently running a liquid cooled dual extruder/ stepper motor setup inside a heated chamber which is typically running at 100-150C. I’ve noticed lately that the return temperatures out of a 120x360 cooler are coming back pretty hot < 100F. Long story short, I removed the 360 cooler and replaced it with a chiller I made which is currently running extremely well @ 65F off a remote thermostat. I’d really like to be able to Integrate the chiller into the DWC with the same functionality as the chamber heater. My thoughts are that all the safety and limit features would directly apply in nearly all the same ways, so theoretically the only change would be is to allow multiple chamber heaters. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
RE: Help with adding a second chamber heater to DWC?
@phaedrux I'm currently running firmware 3.3RC1, My thought was, adding the chiller as a second chamber heater allows for the same type of set point control and monitoring as you would with a chamber heater. I had the return temp sensor showing up in the DWC under the "extras" tab of the dashboard, but due to the lack of control I removed it from my config. It's currently wired to the same SSR as the chamber heater and running off an independent thermostat so theres not much to show. Ideally the chiller needs the same type of set point control and features (temp limiting, +/- temp faults, etc...) as the chamber heater since their purposes are identical in the way of achieving and maintaining a desired set point. Im sure theres creative ways to add fans and thermistors linked to the chamber heater and use them to control SSR's to achieve what I'm trying to accomplish, but the simplest way would be to run it the way it's configured now or add another chamber heater. So is it possible to do or would it require altering the firmware code?
Help with adding a second chamber heater to DWC?
I'm running a liquid cooled stepper / dual extrusion setup inside a heated chamber which everything's working great. Long story short, I made a chiller system for my liquid cooling loop and I'm having trouble getting it to show up on the DWC. Adding it as a 2nd chamber heater only seems to cancel out my working chamber heater after reloading the DWC. Is there a way to configure it to show up on the DWC? or possibly run it off the heated chambers SSR and add a second thermistor? I made a return temp sensor with a spare PT1000 that I'd like to control the temp with. I also have a Inkbird PID laying around I could use but I thought it'd be fun to integrate everything into the DWC, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Ghosting/ringing issues with new custom built core xy
@phaedrux thanks for the link I’ll order some up next week
RE: Ghosting/ringing issues with new custom built core xy
@luke-slaboratory The previous values where nulled out commands above the experiment section. I fabricated all the bracing and bare aluminum components, plus the smaller pre-made 2020 braces. I feel like the frames pretty solid, I used bronze spacers and thrust washers on the pulleys and they seem pretty smooth. Are the jerk values reasonable? should I drop the accel 3500-ish? I posted some pictures, sorry its hard to get any other angles it being inside the enclosure.