I use Simplify3D as my primary slicer for my two printers. I have a T3P3 Kossel Mini Delta printer with DuetWifi. I have my start script heat part way, do a G32 auto-calibration, then heat the rest of the way to the requested settings.
; Multi-temp stuff - 10 Feb 2018
; Raise bed temp to profile requested bed temp
M140 S[bed1_temperature] ; Raise bed temp to profile requested bed temp
M104 S75 T0 ; Raise hot-end temp to 75C for G32 auto-calibration
M190 S[bed1_temperature] ; Wait for bed temp to rise
M109 S75 T0 ; Wait for hot-end temp to rise to 75C
G28 ; home all axes
G32 ; Autocalibrate
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Raise hot-end temp to profile requested hot-end layer 1 temp
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Wait for hot-end temp to rise to profile requested hot-end layer 1 temp
G1 X0 Y0 Z10 F8000 ; centre nozzle 10mm above bed
M572 D0 S0.25 ; Pressure Advance - 25 Feb 2018
; end of my start code