Can you tell me how exactly a reverse proxy circumvents the CORS issue?
CORS, which is a security feature, is upheld by the browser to maintain that a client is requesting the resources from the same origin. In the case of writing your own website for Duet you now have 2 origins: (A) Duet3D Web Server, (B) Your Custom Web Server. Each of these is it's own origin. As a client using (B), you request pages/content from (B) which becomes B-Client in this example. Your code on the client side sends requests to from B-Client to A, which is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This CORS error is the default and both the client and server have to explicitly state 'no-cors' in their HTTP/HTTPS headers. When you disable CORS from the client request, you've found it doesn't work either. To me, this is more headache than it's worth even when you control all the code, because CORS pops-up when you think you've solved it For that last time! in an OPTIONS packet you didn't explicitly send (i.e., like a WS/WSS upgrade packet).
Answer: Because, like you I was frustrated for many hours with CORS, I've shown two solutions to the same problem and not explained it very well. 1) The reverse-proxy makes it to where A and B are the same origin and your B-Client can talk to A and A doesn't know the difference. 2) If you cannot do this, you can relay the REST call from your server. For example: B-Client sends a REST call to B, then B sends a REST call to A, A responds to B, then B responds back to B-Client. This works because the CORs checks are enforced by the client browser, and the server side just says which origins are allowed (kind of stupid if you ask me, and you can test this using a API design tool like Postman or Insomnia). I just tested both Nginx and Server-side REST relay independently in my code to make sure I'm not blowing smoke, and I'm not.
The thing is.... I'm not even sure what is causing the CORS, as I AM connecting to the device from the same location (ie origin) after reset.
I'm trying to understand where the error stems from and how your implementation is different?
When you say same location, what specifically are your referring to: IP-Address, domain name, sub-domain, etc?