@Anawandur From the wiki page on the IR probe, it may not work well with a PEI plate: https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Accessories/IR_Probe#bed-surface
This is highly transparent to IR. Paint the underside matt black (see below) before using adhesive sheet to attach it to the bed plate. Changes to the surface finish affect the trigger height slightly. We have a report that as an alternative to painting the underside black you can sand the top surface with very fine grit sandpaper until it has a dull matt appearance, but we have not confirmed this.
Clearly it's not working great with FR4 either. I don't think we have ever tested it with the IR probe, but it sounds like FR4 is invisible to IR too. Painting the back matt black and/or sanding the top may help. But it sounds like you're happy with a BLTouch now.