Heater error on long prints
Hi guys,
I recently had issues with my cables to my piezo whicb caused erraneous probe heights. After fixing, and upgrading the firnware to Version 2.03beta3, I have now developed an issue on medium to large prints "Heater error" is all I have come back to each time, with the hotend returned to the starting or pause x and y position.
I have been assuming that a break has formed in one of the wires to my hot end's temp sensor (pt100) or heating element. However, is there a way to get more informatio as to what or why it threw the error? Where are the logs stored/where/how can I access them?
I want to try and rule out the bed's heating element and sensors, and pinpoint which component is the cause.....also, being that I am using the latest beta, is it possibly an issie in the firmware?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Especially since I cirrently don't have spare pt100 sensors and find WA is isolated when it comes to buying printer parts.
If you look at the GCode Console there should be a more detailed error message, telling you what sort of heater fault occurred. If you are there when it happens, the temperature chart may also help diagnose the problem.
You can use the M929 command to log error messages to the SD card.
Thanks DC42, was heater 1 as I assumed (hotend). I have swapped out the pt100 sensor and will try again once I get a chance to put rest of printer back together.